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Project Kickoff Meeting May 29, 2013 1 Transforming the Way Government Builds Solutions.

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1 Project Kickoff Meeting May 29, 2013 1 Transforming the Way Government Builds Solutions

2 Institute for Innovation Established in 2011 2  Addresses highly strategic – highly visible challenges proposed by government or industry that are beyond the scope of the Shared Interest Groups.  Chartered to promote innovation in the delivery of government operations and services.  Recommends key approaches to issues where information technology can be a factor and a broad spectrum of perspectives is required.  Reflects cross-industry recommendations based on the consensus from government and industry experts.  The Innovator Circle provides financial support and thought leadership to guide, but not influence, recommendations. Transforming the Way Government Builds Solutions

3 3 Provide broad benefit to government and industry, enabling a new, fair approach to acquiring, building and maintaining systems while accelerating successful implementation of the digital strategy and shared services policies. Project Vision Transforming the Way Government Builds Solutions

4 4  Identify ways to build solutions with open data that is machine readable, secure and private  Identify ways to increase discoverability of existing services that can be adapted to other applications  Drive the broad adoption of the study, including acquisition policy and other innovations and best practices Project Purpose Transforming the Way Government Builds Solutions

5 5  Compile and provide practical templates, tools and methodologies to enable departments and agencies to develop digital roadmaps, to use more agile methods, and to promote open data and open APIs.  Enable the use of current technologies (cloud, mobile, others) to accomplish the above.  Metric and measures Project Approach Transforming the Way Government Builds Solutions

6 6 Insert team diagram Project Governance Transforming the Way Government Builds Solutions

7 7  Conduct a series of interviews with a consistent set of Q’s  Minimum of 30 interviews (government, industry serving federal, industry not serving federal)  Interviews conducted by 4 individuals representing each team  Interviews are “not for attribution”  Interview notes written within 48 hours of interview and posted to worksite  Teams develop key findings and recommendations  Steering Committee develops deliverable outline  Drafts written and circulated for comment  Develop tools and templates Project Major Steps

8 8 May 29 – Kickoff !! June 3: Interviewee recommendations to Sara June 5: SC reviews; identifies and fills gaps June 10 – July 5: Interviews scheduled, conducted, documented July 8 – July 12: Workgroups meet to synthesize findings and write them up to present to SC July 12: Send workgroup input to Sara for distribution to SC July 17: SC meets to to discuss inputs and develops final outline for paper and products; writing assignments July 29: First draft due to Sara for distribution to SC July 31: SC meets to discuss first draft and sends comments back to workgroups; additional data needed? August 12: Next draft to Sara August 14: SC meeting to discuss second draft Timeline for Project “Sprint”

9 9 This is all about the recommendations and then the supporting information! I.Introduction: Description of the Challenge and Approach [author: SC] II.Recommendation #1 (and so on!) [author: work teams] I.Supporting information II.More supporting information IV.Tools and Templates [author: work teams] V.Making Information Available and in a Usable Form: [author: Info Sharing team] VI.Metrics and Measures: strong input from work teams VII.Relevancy of Recommendations Across Government and Industry [author: SC] General Outline For Final Product

10 10 Interviewees should represent a broad set of backgrounds and be known for innovative approaches to building solutions.  These are NOT business development opportunities!  Facilitators schedule appointments and select interview leader: one person per team, never 2 from the same company  Interview leader identified as well as note taker/writer  Leader sends letter from ACT-IAC with questions in advance and schedules call; provides meeting details to team  Leader opens call and introduces our team with company names and describes the “not for attribution” approach; requests candor; leader covers questions within allotted time  Leader thanks for time, states that interviewee will get a copy of the report; sends thank you note Guidance for Interviews

11 11  Activities will be ethical, open, objective, transparent  Members are representing the “community-at-large”… leave your company name and job title at the door  Make judgments based on what is best for the project  Respect confidentiality of committee deliberations  Formal and informal communications will be coordinated through the Project Co-Chairs and the Institute Director  The worksite for the Project will be the ACT-IAC worksite; all work products will be posted there  Organize and perform to meet the due dates Code of Conduct

12 12  Sara DeCarlo, Director, Institute for Innovation,  cell: 703-362-0410 office: 703-271-4004  Access to the Institute Worksite: … sign in!  Go to SIGs, Committees & Chapters, then drop down box for Institute for Innovation  On left there is a bar with listing of OMB Project Area  Use SOP for documents for reference for all -- we will keep the master list for the interviews there; use “links” for reference docs; set up discussion groups for committee work; use Documents by creating folders for your team.  NOTE: Use the designated folder for Interview Notes. Please use the label given on the spreadsheet as the file name for all notes to preserve anonymity of the notes. Contact info and Website

13 13  Look at the Governance Chart and self-select a team that best fits your background; indicate choice on Master List; verify your contact info  With workgroup SC member to:  Identify a Facilitator to represent the team on bi-weekly interview scheduling calls and identify team member to participate in each interview; confirms that notes are written and posted  Identify an Editor to coordinate or be primary author for team deliverables to SC  Select a meeting schedule… bi-weekly calls to schedule interviews and ensure notes are written… probably con calls.  Get familiar with the ACT-IAC worksite.  Sara can provide a conference bridge as needed What now?

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