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By Jeffrey. Diet The fire ant eats insects and other invertebrate e.g. stick insects, mites, and other.

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Presentation on theme: "By Jeffrey. Diet The fire ant eats insects and other invertebrate e.g. stick insects, mites, and other."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Jeffrey

2 Diet The fire ant eats insects and other invertebrate e.g. stick insects, mites, and other

3 Life Cycle The fire ants can produce eggs that hatch in eight to 10 days and larvae develop through four instars before pupating. Development requires 22 to 37 days, depending on temperature. Fire ants are social insects, and each colony contains one or more queen ants. Queen ants can produce about 200 eggs per day.

4 How the fire ant fight back Sterile female fire ant workers can sting repeatedly; they first bite, and while holding on to the skin with their jaws, inject venom with stingers at the end of their abdomens; unique venom produces a fire- like burning sensation and most people react by developing a whitish pustule or fluid-filled blister at the site of the sting after a day or two.


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