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3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection and Beam Dump Brief overview of system components and dependencies Breakdown of tests foreseen in preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection and Beam Dump Brief overview of system components and dependencies Breakdown of tests foreseen in preparation."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection and Beam Dump Brief overview of system components and dependencies Breakdown of tests foreseen in preparation for beam Equipment “folder”: tests results, handling of non - conformities, performance below specs, machine as commissioned vs. machine as specified Piquet/Experts availability B.Goddard, V.Mertens, M.Barnes, E.Carlier, F.Castronuovo, L.Ducimetiere, E.Gallet, V.Kain, M.Lamont, J.Uythoven + many, many others

2 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Part the 1 st injection systems

3 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection systems: schematic view (LSS8R)

4 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection sub-systems Main injection sub-systems –Injection septa MSI –Injection kickers MKI –Kicker state control and surveillance –Injection protection devices TCDI, TCDIM, TDI, TCDD(M), TCLIA/B, TCLIM –Beam instrumentation BTVs, BPMs, BLMs, FBCTs –Vacuum system –Injection quality checks IQC Links to other systems –BIS, via the injection BICs and the main LHC BICs –Injection pre-pulse from RF in point 4 –LBDS for abort gap keeper and arming inhibit –LHC control system and timing –SLP for beam energy –Vacuum for MKI interlocking and conditioning –TL BCT and special LHC ring BPMs for kicker ↔ beam synchronisation Major part of transfer lines not included here (… but also being followed up).

5 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection systems: IST and HWC (I) Individual System Tests and HWC : making sub-systems work –Septa MSI Fully commissioned (electrical tests, polarity, water flow, interlocks, heat run … done) Vacuum chambers baked out IR2: DCCT still to be re-configured (modification of compensation coil) –Kickers MKI Major part of commissioning finished – all remotely controllable HV tested to beyond nominal voltage Links to external systems being commissioned piecewise, still to test BIS, RF pre-pulses, IR8: Re-bake MKI interconnects (w14?) to gain in vacuum (  HV performance), followed by short HV test Inter-tank valves to be (re-)opened as needed for beam operation (not prematurely !) –Beam instrumentation: basically “all commissioned – waiting for beam”, except BTV: some devices to be finished/recalibrated after bake-out of adjacent equipment BLM: situation around MSI to be checked (mixture TL / ring or add a few more …) –EMC tests between equipment (kickers, p.converters, cryo, …) scheduled for w12-13

6 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection systems: IST/HWC results voltage vacuum pulse length pulse counter HV pulse testing/conditioning of MKI in LSS2L, with inter-tank valves open (28 th Feb 08) pulse form

7 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection systems: IST and HWC (II) –Transfer line protection devices TCDI/M All in place Some cables to shield against cross-talk from power cables, Some screws/springs to replace ex-vacuum, TCDIH87904 to re-align (vacuum intervention w14) –LHC injection Protection devices TDI, TCDD(M), TCLIA/B, TCLIM IR2 TDI in place (to bake out), IR8 TDI to replace against new model (w14 with adjacent TCTVB), close vacuum, bake-out, NEG activation. TDI electronics/controls/mechanisms – still to finish in-situ part of commissioning IR8 TCDDM in place, IR2 TCDD to install (w13 with TCTVB), close vacuum, bake-out, NEG All TCLIB/TCLIM in place –Vacuum Rings: under vacuum, bake-out / NEG activation done (with exception of short areas around TCTVB, TDI/TCDD) End of transfer lines: tested and under vacuum –Organisation: responsibility and coordination HWC responsible for coordinating IST/HWC carried out by equipment groups: planning, access, safety, impact of cooldowns, EMC tests, … Strong support from LTI project – providing lubricant in interfaces (as it were)

8 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection systems: dry runs Dry runs : running injections as a system from CCC –Commissioning system links and interdependencies, SW tools, … –Possible to already be “fully-connected” to all external systems –First dry-run test (2 days) carried out in December 2007 Checked B1 and B2 systems in “mostly-stand-alone” mode (no BIS connection, no SLP, no connection to LBDS, no RF prepulse, some timing issues to address) –Further 2-day tests planned with increasing scope and complexity: W15: B1 and B2 systems connected to SLP, RF and timing, … W19: links to LBDS, BIS, testing inject and dump modes, … W23: Full set of injection scenarios –Organisation, responsibility and coordination Much preparation and mobilisation for HW, controls and SW OP responsible for dry runs: schedule, test, tools, coordinate BT/LTI providing strong support…

9 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection systems: machine check-out Machine check-out : run injections as embedded systems from CCC –Will be “fully-connected” to all external systems (in particular RF, SLP, timing, BIS, LBDS) –Re-check all injection scenarios with all interconnects in place Checks of all equipment, SW, sequencing, timing, interconnection, … Will need beam permit from BIS loop, to allow injection kickers to pulse –Organisational issues: responsibility and coordination OP responsible for machine check-out, with support from equipment groups and LTI project BT will provide system commissioning team (scheduled or on call as required) + MKI and controls piquet

10 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Injection systems: known issues Follow-up of “non-conformities” –Known tight spots – need more formal documentation Aperture limits at Q5 (tilted), MKI, D2, TDI (informal note JBJ) Injection line chamber size/position where passing Q6 (informal note JMJ) MSI alignment and aperture (EDMS 488061) –MKI high-frequency ripple Net effect on beam being calculated, including action of transverse damper (BG, WH) Kicker “soft-start” before injection –To mitigate effects of de-conditioning after pause (in parallel with turnaround) –Additions being prepared now (sequencer, modifications of interlocks, …) Documentation / data bases –Scope of formal change management system to be defined (if any …) –Layout database to be worked on with DB people – finish off some details –Aperture model to be completed and re-checked – TL models ready for DB Completion of installations –TCLIA in LSS2R/LSS8L in shutdown 2008/09 (“phase II” collimator) –2 nd passive absorber upstream of MSI for ultimate beam (to be decided, funded, designed  SD 2008/09 ?)

11 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Part the 2 nd beam dump system

12 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC TD62 TD68 UD62 UD68 UP62 UP68 UJ62 UJ68 UJ63 UJ67 UA67 RA63 UA63 Dump kicker installations around P6 (B2) RA/UA67 extraction kicker generators, cables and magnets RA67 RA/UA63 dilution kicker generators, cables and magnets

13 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Beam dump subsystems Main LBDS subsystems –Extraction kickers MKD –Extraction septa MSD –Dilution kickers MKBH,V –Beam dump block TDE –Triggering and synchronisation unit TSU –Beam energy tracking system BETS –Kicker state control and surveillance –Passive protection devices TCDS, TCDQ, TCSG, TCDQM –Vacuum system –Beam instrumentation BTVs, BPMs, BLMs, FBCTs, BSRA –Post-operational checking systems IPOC, XPOC Links to other systems –BIS loop monitoring and user permit –DCCT current from 8 Power convertors (4 RBs, 2 Q4s, 2 MSDs) –Revolution frequency from RF in point 4 –Direct BLM and access system inputs to TSU –Synch BPMs for kicker timing –Injection system for abort gap keeper and arming inhibit –LHC controls system and timing

14 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Beam dump HW interdependencies User Permits (interlocks) from BIS clients Direct BLM Access IPOC / XPOC system checks

15 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Beam dump system: IST and HWC Individual System Tests and HWC : making subsystems work –MSD septa : powering tests finished –MKD/MKB kickers : testing for past 6 months Now changing to running in remote (fully so after w11) All magnets and generators tested to 7 TeV Final parts being deployed and tested now (TSUs, links to BICs) –Beam dump blocks TDE : still to leak-test and put under N 2 –Ring beam pipes : under vacuum, baked and NEG activated –Extracted beam lines TD62 and TD68 : tested – need final alignment –Protection devices : TCDQ IST/HWC finishing, TCSG still to do –Beam instrumentation : a few BLMs to move, direct BLM VME electronics missing –most ISTs/HWC completed and basically ready –Presently (w9-10) making EMC tests between equipment systems –Organisation: responsibility and coordination HWC responsible for coordinating IST/HWC carried out by equipment groups: planning, access, safety, impact of 5-6 and 6-7 cooldowns, EMC tests, … Presently a very long-standing and efficient collaboration between all concerned (groups, HWC, LBDS, OP)

16 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Beam dump system: reliability run Reliability run and kicker burn-in –Designed to validate some key safety assumptions (SIL calculations) –Ideally “Fully-connected” to all external systems Will be possible only very late (RF, BIS, access, DCCTs, …)  machine checkout Not compatible with requirement to run system for ~4 months for statistics –Since December 2007 configured and running B1 MKDs in “stand alone” mode, interleaved with ISTs/HWC Internal function generator (BETS simulator) for energy ramp Internal dump trigger IPOC and XPOC operational for data acquisition and analysis –From 10 th March, configure B1 & B2 systems in “semi-connected” mode BETS simulator ramp triggered by timing system Local beam permit loop connected to LBDS Dumps triggered by timing events via the BIS Access system “beam dump” signal strapped – to be redone for final DSO tests Direct BLM input masked on TSU boards – redone when BLM cards available IPOC/XPOC operational, logging, … Run by sequencer from CCC (arming, state control, timing tables, …) –Organisation: responsibility and coordination LBDS project responsible for reliability run: tests, tools, analysis, coordinating with HWC, OP, LSA, …

17 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Reliability run results (12/07  2/08) ±0.4% variation Stability/reproducibility of MKD.B1 kick strength at 7 TeV ±1% variation Stability/reproducibility of MKD.B1 kick strength at 450 GeV Distribution of beam dump energies (9’376 dumps as of 29/02/08) Specification ±0.4% Energy [GeV] Time [  s] Date Current [A] Dumps Kick strength variation [%]

18 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Reliability run results (12/07  2/08) Specification 2.7  s Rise time of all 15 MKD at 7 TeV Rise time of all 15 MKD at 450 GeV Stability/reproducibility of MKD.B1 average rise time at 450 GeV Stability/reproducibility of MKD.B1 average rise time at 7 TeV 22 ns Rise time [  s] Date

19 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Reliability run results (12/07  2/08) Stability and reproducibility –Generator kick strength less stable than expected at 450 GeV (measured ±0.4% at 7 TeV, ±1% at 450 GeV). Possible thermal effect being investigated –Rise time looks OK – rise time averaged over all 15 MKDs is < 2.72  s, and for any individual MKD in the range 2.6 - 2.8  s (c.f. specified 2.7  s). We have a small 50 ns margin which we will need to eat into… –Short-term hysteresis effects on kick waveform measurement transformer? Now deploying 2 nd pick-up type and investigating Burn-in and fault statistics (on 30 generators  60 switches) –Switches most important elements being tested –Calculations predicted 6 broken for 4 months operation of both systems –Presently operated B1 for about 3 months with ~50 % duty cycle –Total of ~10’000 beam dumps to date (300’000 switch operations) –2 switches broken (pulsing) in July 07  trigger transformer contacts (systematic problem – now should not re-occur) –1 switch broken (under voltage at 7 TeV) on 27/02/08. First real switch failure (note that detection worked  failed safe  synch dump)

20 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Beam dump system: dry runs Dry runs : running LBDS as a system from CCC –Commissioning system links and interdependencies, SW tools, … –Ideally would be “Fully-connected” to all external systems, but not possible until final machine checkout phase –First dry-run test (2 days) carried out in w7 Checked beam 1 system in “very-semi-connected” mode Testing and deploying tools needed for operation, and for reliability run from CCC –Further 2-day tests planned with increasing scope and complexity: W11: B1 system connected to BIS, RF, LASS and driven via sequencer W15: B1 and B2 systems together, with protection devices W19: links to injection systems, inject and dump modes, … –Organisation: responsibility and coordination Much preparation and mobilisation for HW, controls, SW OP responsible for dry runs: schedule, test, tools, coordinate BT providing strong support…

21 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Beam dump system: machine checkout Machine checkout : run LBDS as embedded system from CCC –Will be “Fully-connected” to all external systems – in particular magnet DCCTs, RF and BIS –Will need a series of energy ramps (5-10) Check kicker energy tracking with RB circuits Synchronisation with RF revolution frequency Assume can be done parasitically – i.e. some ramps are made before beam… –Will need time with the BIS loops closed (1-2 days) Check signal transmission and detection, arming sequences Assume this can be done as part of final beam interlock system commissioning –Organisation: responsibility and coordination OP responsible for machine checkout: support from equipment groups and LBDS project BT group will provide system commissioning team (scheduled or on call as required), plus equipment piquets for kicker HW and controls

22 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Beam dump system: known issues Follow-up of known non-conformities (some correctable…) –Known changes w.r.t. original specification BI and protection element tilt sign errors (ICC report from TS/SU) Horizontal offset of MKBs and BCTs (EDMS 849665) MKD second beam chamber offset (EDMS 859393) Non-standard TD line chamber sizes for Q4/Q5 integration (EDMS 671966) Absence of RF shielding transitions in a few locations (EDMS?) MSD and TCDS alignment and aperture (EDMS 631718) Kicker performance still being qualified in reliability run –MKD magnet kick strength variations (under investigation), rise time tight –Number of switch failures to date looks OK Change management system needed for dump kicker system –Magnets/chambers/generators/switches/delays/lookup-tables/… –To be worked out with layout DB people Completion of installations/correction of NCs planned –Installation of staged MKB kickers for LHC phase II (08/09 shutdown) –Final TDE N2 handling system (08/09 shutdown?) –Vacuum transitions – when sectors opened, or SD before high intensity operation –Tilt errors - when sectors opened

23 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Part the 3 rd common comments

24 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Documentation Required documentation should be easily available for injection and dump systems, as relevant: –Installation drawings and layouts ~complete –Equipment drawings and parameters~complete –Optics files and aperture models partial –Alignment information ~complete –Expected bunch positions on BPMs and BTVs ~complete –MKD/B lookup tables to formalise –XPOC references and tolerances needed –Kicker calibration, test and reliability run data partial –Equipment config. (generators, switches, magnets, …) to formalise –Arming and state descriptions partial –Interlock references (protection devices, interlock BI,…) partial –Non-conformity documents partial No single repository (layout DBs, CDD, EDMS, LSA, Geode, …) MKD 7 TeV 30.12 kV 30.3 kV

25 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Snapshot of commissioning status Injection Beam dump

26 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Coordination aspects Clear separation of commissioning phases would be nice (as on paper) –Too idealistic –In reality the boundaries are very blurred: overlap of last installations, bug fixes, IST, HWC, dry runs, … –Additional constraints from equipment tests, cool-down, … –Coordination is a long-standing, efficient collaboration between all concerned (groups, HWC, LTI/LBDS projects, ABP, OP, …) Organisation of commissioning teams and support –BT, OP and other groups’ experts already heavily involved and will form backbone of system commissioning teams: will be available on scheduled and unscheduled basis until beam commissioning is finished –BT piquet service will be in place for all LHC kickers (magnets, generators and controls) for machine checkout and beyond

27 3 rd March 20082008 Extended LTC Conclusion Injection systems and beam dump system are progressing well through the commissioning phases –Seriously blurred boundaries but under control –All components tested to full strength with no major problems –Connections to other systems are being brought on-line –Operation from the CCC has started –Strong system commissioning teams are being forged –A lot left to do, but (barring disaster) systems will be ready for first beam

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