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Assessment: Purpose, Process, and Use OCR Grade 6.

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2 Assessment: Purpose, Process, and Use OCR Grade 6

3 2 Introduction to the Assessment Training

4 3 “Without data, all anyone has is an opinion.” W. Edwards Deming

5 4 “Ideally, assessment and instruction are linked inextricably within any curriculum. The key to using assessment effectively and efficiently in a program of instruction is to recognize above all that different types of assessment tools must be used for different purposes.” From Reading/Language Arts Framework for California Public Schools

6 5 Six Key Elements

7 6 All classrooms deliver a coherent academic program. This includes specific content and an instructional system that is well supported with high quality materials and training. 1.

8 7 Six Key Elements Everyone at the school uses a frequent assessment system directly connected to the content of the academic program. This system is designed to be used to improve instruction. 2.

9 8 Six Key Elements All persons work in collegial, collaborative school and grade level teams that focus on developing successful, program-specific strategies to improve achievement for all students. 3.

10 9 Six Key Elements The school engages in content-specific, site- based professional development with coaching and technical support. Activities are developed using the data generated by the ongoing, program-specific assessment system and are focused on improving instruction for all students. 4.

11 10 Six Key Elements The school’s active and knowledgeable leadership takes actions focused on developing and strengthening the academic performance of ALL students in the agreed academic area. 5.

12 11 Six Key Elements The district provides coherent, coordinated support and leadership that technically assists the school to focus work and sustain specific improvements in achievement over time. 6.

13 12 Three Types of Assessments Screening/Entry Level Monitoring Outcome/Summative

14 13 Teacher and Student Materials

15 14 The Assessment Program

16 15 Skills Assessments

17 16 Overview of Skills Assessments

18 17 Answer Key and Directions

19 18 Content and Rationale Comprehension

20 19 Content and Rationale Checking Skills

21 20 Content and Rationale Spelling

22 21 Learning from Errors

23 22 Answers Theme 1 Spelling Assessing 1.-ly endings 2. plural spellings for words ending in -f or -fe 3. long e spellings 4. long a spellings 5. wr, r

24 23 Answers Theme 1 Spelling Assessing 6. er, ir, ur 7. oo sounds 8. long i spellings 9. long u spellings 10. _ck, k, c

25 24 Content and Rationale Vocabulary

26 25 Content and Rationale Fluency

27 26 General Directions

28 27 Marking Fluency Passages

29 28 Unit 1 Fluency Passages

30 29 The Key to Reading Success The sixth grade program supports fluency in seventh grade by ensuring students have automaticity with multisyllabic words.

31 30 Fluency Norms

32 31 How Many Minutes? How many minutes does each student read aloud every day in your classroom? It is recommended that every child read aloud in class 20-30 minutes every day.

33 32 Content and Rationale Writing

34 33 General Directions for Writing

35 34 Narrative Writing Prompt: Student Page

36 35 Writing Prompts

37 36 Four-Point Rubric conventions genre writing traits

38 37 Classroom Writing Assessment Report

39 38 Classroom Assessment Report

40 39 Looking at the Data

41 40 Look at Vertical Data

42 41 Look at Horizontal Data

43 42 Analyzing Assessment Data

44 43 Look at the Horizontal Data Student Groups Preteaching Support Intervention Accelerated/challenge

45 44 Independent Work Time

46 45 Identifying Students for Intervention

47 46 Analyzing Assessments – Horizontally

48 47 “We must provide high-quality teaching with fidelity to the core to ensure student success in every classroom.” It’s All About the Teaching

49 48 Reflecting on Instruction Has Direct Instruction been used? Has the lesson been properly scaffolded? Has the material been judiciously reviewed? Has student engagement been monitored?

50 49 Next Steps Formulate a plan to address instructional challenges to improve student achievement Tackle one skill area or concept at a time Should help from a coach, mentor teacher, or grade-level team member be solicited? Would it be helpful to have the coach or principal provide an inservice or lead a lesson study?

51 50 Five-Step Process 1. Teachers administer the assessments and collect, record, and chart the vertical and horizontal data 2. School meets as a whole faculty to establish the process of using data to improve instruction 3. Team meetings are held to examine data and to agree on instructional improvements 4. Whole school meets to share action plans across grade levels and to develop a site-based staff development plan 5. The school continues to conduct ongoing team meetings/ lesson studies to support improved instruction based on a written action plan

52 51 End-of-Year Assessments

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