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The Future Tense: Other Irregular Verbs Future: Other Irregular Verbs ßYou know how to form irregular verbs in the future using the same endings that.

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2 The Future Tense: Other Irregular Verbs

3 Future: Other Irregular Verbs ßYou know how to form irregular verbs in the future using the same endings that you use for regular verbs: ß-é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, án ßYou already know these irregular verbs:

4 Future: Other Irregular Verbs ßHaber? ßHabr- ßHacer? ßHar- ßPoder? ßPodr- ßSaber? ßSabr- ßTener? ßTendr-

5 Future: Other Irregular Verbs ßOther verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: ßDecirdir- ßPonerpondr- ßQuererquerr- ßSalirsaldr- ßVenirvendr-

6 Future: Other Irregular Verbs ßEn el futuro dirán que la destrucción de las selvas tropicales causó muchos problemas ecológicos. ßIn the future they will say that the destruction of the rain forests caused many ecological problems.

7 Future: Other Irregular Verbs ßPondremos más plantas en nuestra casa. ßWe will put more plants in our house.

8 Future: Other Irregular Verbs ßQuerremos luchar contra la guerra y por la vez. ßWe will want to fight against war and for peace.

9 Future: Other Irregular Verbs ßSaldré muy temprano por la mañana. ¿Vendrás conmigo? ßI will leave very early in the morning. Will you come with me?

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