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 What are the different types of electromagnetic radiation?  Which has the highest frequency? The lowest?  Which has the longest wavelengths? The shortest?

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Presentation on theme: " What are the different types of electromagnetic radiation?  Which has the highest frequency? The lowest?  Which has the longest wavelengths? The shortest?"— Presentation transcript:

1  What are the different types of electromagnetic radiation?  Which has the highest frequency? The lowest?  Which has the longest wavelengths? The shortest?

2  Catalyst (5 mins)  Opening (5 mins)  Quiz 2(20 mins)  Transition to Google (5 mins)  Independent reading (20 mins)  Discussion: Mass Movement Part 2 (10 mins)  Video Clips (6 minutes)  Reports: Disasters Part 1 (20 mins)  Closing/Exit Ticket (4 mins)

3  No notes/books  Put all items under the desks  At least 1 chair in between people  Any cheating/talking = automatic  Failing score  Referral to Dean Berry


5  By the end of class, CWBAT use knowledge from lectures, the text, and outside sources to summarize a major mass movement event.  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.2 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.2  Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms.

6  Take 20 minutes and read pages 184-190  Be sure to understand and write down the differences between these types of mass movements in your notebooks:  Creep  Flows  Slides  Slumps  Avalanches  Rock Falls

7  Human Impact on Mass Movement

8  wmfk wmfk  nvironment/environment-natural- disasters/landslides-and-more/landslides/ nvironment/environment-natural- disasters/landslides-and-more/landslides/

9  Mass Movement Natural Disaster  Landslides, mudflows, etc.  See Natural Disaster Part 1 handout  Due Tuesday, Oct. 16th (6 th ) or Wednesday, Oct. 17 th (3 rd )

10  Name the ways in which humans affect mass movement.  Either positive or negative

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