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Incident Reporting. Objectives Defining Incidents The importance of reporting incidents Timeliness of incident reporting Understanding the types of incidents.

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Presentation on theme: "Incident Reporting. Objectives Defining Incidents The importance of reporting incidents Timeliness of incident reporting Understanding the types of incidents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incident Reporting

2 Objectives Defining Incidents The importance of reporting incidents Timeliness of incident reporting Understanding the types of incidents that should be reported

3 What is an incident? An incident is any event that puts or has the potential to put the client, personnel or company at risk.

4 Why does an incident have to be reported? Incident reporting is a method of taking accountability and ownership of a risk event. It allows the company to take appropriate remedial action when necessary. It is a method of identifying common issues or risk events within a location or facility, so that plans and processes can be developed to reduce these types of risk events. It allows the company to mitigate situations that could result in litigation and impact on the company’s financial stability and reputation.

5 When should an incident be reported? An incident should be reported typically between 24-48 hours of the event. Depending on the level of severity and the outcome of the event, incidents can be categorized as minor, major or sometimes catastrophic.

6 What types of incidents need to be reported? 1. Client Falls Client falls down, with or without injury The fall may or may not be witnessed by others Falls may be due to incorrect use of equipment or poor supervision during exercise prescription/progression. Client/Caregiver Safety Incidents

7 What types of incidents need to be reported? 2. Medical Injury/ Client injury This relates to any type of injury to the client that is not related to a fall incident. This may include burns, allergic reactions, chest pains or being struck by an object. Client/Caregiver Safety Incidents

8 What types of incidents need to be reported? 3. Medication Error Any improper administration of medication which may or may not result in harm to the client. This could include administering too little or too much of a medication, administering the wrong medication or expired medication. It may also include administering contradictory medication (based on the client’s current medication or medication history) Client/Caregiver Safety Incidents

9 What types of incidents need to be reported? 4. Use/misuse or possession of licit or illicit substances This may include a client or caregiver being intoxicated (due to drug/alcohol abuse) during treatment. Client/Caregiver Safety Incidents

10 What types of incidents need to be reported? 5. Infection/Disease Communicable disease within the clinic (such as pink eye, H1N1, chicken pox etc.) This could occur due to CBI personnel not properly disposing of bio-hazardous waste, or do not follow infection control/health & safety protocol. 6. Wandering or Elopement Clients unexpectedly leave during scheduled treatment or cannot be located during treatment. Client may not return to appointment after lunch, walk or activity. Client/Caregiver Safety Incidents

11 What types of incidents need to be reported? 7. Alleged Abuse Physical, sexual or verbal abuse towards the client or caregiver by CBI personnel or caregiver Client/Caregiver Safety Incidents

12 What types of incidents need to be reported? Other client/caregiver safety incidents may include: 8. Alleged Theft The client alleges that a CBI personnel or another client has stolen an item or money from them. 9. Improper Procedures carried out Therapist mistakenly uses incorrect treatment procedure with client, which may or may not result in harming the client. 10. Suicidal Ideation Client talks about committing suicide with CBI Personnel 11. Unexpected Death Client passes away unexpectedly when they arrive for their appointment at the clinic. OT arrives at the client’s home for an assessment, only to realize that the client has deceased unexpectedly. Client/Caregiver Safety Incidents

13 What types of incidents need to be reported? Privacy and Security Client information is lost, stolen or accidentally or purposefully released. For example: Client file charts are lost or stolen A fax or email with client information is mistakenly sent to the wrong person Stolen or lost laptop that has not been encrypted. Client information should only be made accessible to authorized personnel who are part of the service delivery to the client Breach of Privacy

14 What types of incidents need to be reported? 1. Emergency Plan Event An event that occurs where staff execute emergency plans/protocols This type of incident may include a fire within the clinic or a utility failure. It may also include more drastic events such as natural disasters or bomb threats and police lockdowns. Unforeseen or unplanned dangers at the clinic

15 What types of incidents need to be reported? 2. Property Damage CBI property is damaged accidentally or on purpose, by a known or unknown individual. Unforeseen or unplanned dangers at the clinic

16 What types of incidents need to be reported? Personnel Safety Incidents involving CBI personnel being injured or coming close to injury (ex. Falling down). This may result from an environmental danger, or abuse/ harm inflicted by another person (such as the client). Example: Personnel drops a weight on their foot, which then requires medical attention. Safety of Staff

17 What types of incidents need to be reported? Code of Conduct Any action that goes against the company’s code of conduct must be reported as an incident. Example: workplace harassment, bullying, deliberately working against CBI Health group etc. Inappropriate behaviour by staff

18 What types of incidents need to be reported? If a piece of equipment is malfunctioning, is late in being delivered or picked up or is not installed properly, it must be reported as an incident. Malfunctioning equipment can lead to client complaints or a client being injured. Equipment Issues

19 What types of incidents need to be reported? Compliment/Complaint Positive or negative feedback from client, family, funder or others that reflect the services provided, must be reported. It is important to capture these events as they help to improve overall service. Client feedback

20 What types of incidents need to be reported? Transportation incidents that occur during work hours/activity should be reported. This may include a vehicle breakdown while driving to a client’s home, or a more severe incident such as an accident while conducting a driving assessment. Transportation

21 What types of incidents need to be reported? Incidents that affect the delivery of service from personnel to client should be reported. These include: CBI personnel misses a visit (OT misses visit to client’s home without rescheduling or notifying client) CBI personnel declines services to a client Client wishes to terminate treatment with therapist/facility due to inappropriate conduct and treatment at the clinic. Service Delivered

22 Additional Resources If you are unsure as to whether an event should be reported, please check with your manager/supervisor. Refer to the CBI Policies and Procedures available on the CBI intranet for further feedback and guidance on incident reporting and procedures to follow when faced with certain risk events.

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