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A Regional Masters In Integrated Water Resources Management Presented by: Lewis Jonker.

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Presentation on theme: "A Regional Masters In Integrated Water Resources Management Presented by: Lewis Jonker."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Regional Masters In Integrated Water Resources Management Presented by: Lewis Jonker

2 What is WaterNet? A network of academic and research institutions in SADC with the following objectives:

3 Objectives: 1.To raise awareness with regard to regional scale of IWRM among institutions and people active in the field. 2.To stimulate regional cooperation in education in the field of IWRM by developing a modular Master’s Programme to which several institutes in the region contribute.

4 Objectives: 3.To increase the accessibility to training and education in the field of IWRM for participants from the Southern Africa Region. 4.To stimulate, regionalise and strengthen research in the field of IWRM in the Southern Africa Region by offering opportunities to perform joint research.

5 Who is WaterNet?  35 institutions from 12 Southern and East Africa countries.  Supporting members: GWP SA; Dutch and Swedish donors; UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education and Research, Delft.

6 Governance and Management Governance through 11 member WaterNet Steering Committee elected at AGM for two year term. Management by WaterNet Manager and Administrative Assistant.

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