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Chapter 6 Sec. 1. Microscopic structures Basic unit of life Nucleus contains genetic material Chromosomes (23 pair) DNA (within the chromosome) The ‘active’

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Sec. 1. Microscopic structures Basic unit of life Nucleus contains genetic material Chromosomes (23 pair) DNA (within the chromosome) The ‘active’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Sec. 1

2 Microscopic structures Basic unit of life Nucleus contains genetic material Chromosomes (23 pair) DNA (within the chromosome) The ‘active’ part of the DNA determine how that cell will work

3 Groups of cells that perform similar functions Tissues perform tasks for the body Example = Cells join together to form muscle tissue (which can contract)

4 Tissues joined together to perform a function Within 1 organ, you will have a variety of tissues Example = Heart (all work together to pump blood) Muscle tissue Nerve tissue Connective tissue

5 Group of organs working together to perform a function Body systems work with other systems Example = Skeletal system works with muscular system to provide movement

6 Organs = Bones, Cartilage, Tendons Provides movement, posture

7 Organs = Muscles, Ligaments, Tendons Allows movement

8 Organs = Nerves, Spinal cord, Brain Sends & receives messages to/from the body

9 Organs = Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small & Large Intestine Breaks down food for nutrients

10 Organs = Heart, Blood vessels Pumps blood to body cells (carries oxygen to cells)

11 Lungs, Diaphragm Delivers oxygen to blood cells

12 Organs = Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Urethra Pulls waste from blood; balances fluids

13 Organs = Spleen, Lymph nodes, Tonsils Fight infections

14 1.Homeostasis 2.Genes 3.DNA 4.Nucleus 5.Chromosomes

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