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Published byNeil Porter Modified over 9 years ago
1 © Copyright 2015 STI INNSBRUCK Online Kommunikation und Marketing – Modul 5 - VO Elias Kärle TW@eliaska Most slides from: SCEI: A Semantic Communication Engine and its Purpose; Brenner C., Fensel A., Fensel D., Fried M., Fuchs C., Gagiu A., Larizgoitia I., Leiter B., Oberhauser A., Stanciu C-V., Stavrakantonakis I., Thalhammer A. and Toma I., 2011 Landeck, 14.10.2015
3 Social Media Monitoring Overview 1.What is Social Media Monitoring? 2.Why do we need the SMM? 3.Available media channels 4.Core Features of the SMM tools 5.SMM tools available in the market 6.Next Step: Response! 7.Summary 3
4 Social Media Monitoring Hands On 1.Hootsuite 2.Onlim Tell-it! 4
5 Social Media Monitoring Overview 1.What is Social Media Monitoring? 2.Why do we need the SMM? 3.Available media channels 4.Core Features of the SMM tools 5.SMM tools available in the market 6.Next Step: Response! 7.Summary 5
6 What is Social Media Monitoring? Definition* Social Media Monitoring is the continuous systematic observation and analysis of social media networks and social communities. It supports a quick overview and insight into topics and opinions on the social web. * 6
7 What is Social Media Monitoring? SMM tools facilitate the listening of what people say about various topics in the social media sphere (blogs, twitter, facebook, etc.) Listening: is active, focused, concentrated attention for the purpose of understanding the meanings expressed by a speaker. Hearing: is an accidental and automatic brain response to sound that requires no effort. Are you listening? 7
8 What is Social Media Monitoring? Use the wealth of information available online in the form of user-generated content These tools offer means for listening to the social media users, analyzing and measuring their activity in relation to a brand or enterprise Offer access to real customers’ opinions, complaints and questions, in real time, in a highly scalable way 8
9 What is Social Media Monitoring? The Social Media Monitoring (SMM) tools are NOT Social Media Dashboard tools. Their goal is NOT to administrate your social media accounts. But, their goal is to ENABLE YOU TO LISTEN to what is being said about certain topics on the web. 9
10 Social Media Monitoring Overview 1.What is Social Media Monitoring? 2.Why do we need the SMM? 3.Available media channels 4.Core Features of the SMM tools 5.SMM tools available in the market 6.Next Step: Response! 7.Summary 10
11 Why do we need the SMM? “The direct, unfiltered, brutally honest nature of much online discussion is gold dust to big companies that want to spot trends, or find out what customers really think of them.” –The Economist, March 2006 “As control of a brand’s marketing messages—and, indeed, its very image—migrates from traditional media to social media, companies need to become increasingly adept at paying attention to how they're being perceived in the online world.” –The Aberdeen Group, February 2008 11
12 Why do we need the SMM? Provide valuable insight from the side of enterprises regarding which strategy they should employ Determine the most effective and ineffective offered features of an enterprise 12
13 Why do we need the SMM? The speed at which one can investigate a topic of interest, which greatly exceeds that of a traditional survey approach. Social Media Monitoring is more precise, faster and more economical than traditional expert panel analysis. Information is conveyed to someone who can absorb, process and formulate a response – it’s really hearing vs. listening. 13
14 Why do we need the SMM? Reputation management Event detection, issue and crisis management Competitor analysis Trend and market research plus campaign monitoring Influencer detection and customer relationship management Product and innovation management Manage Word of mouth 14
15 Social Media Monitoring Overview 1.What is Social Media Monitoring? 2.Why do we need the SMM? 3.Available media channels 4.Core Features of the SMM tools 5.SMM tools available in the market 6.Next Step: Response! 7.Summary 15
16 Channels to analyze 1.Social networks, e.g.: Facebook –526 million daily active users –3.2 billion Likes and Comments per day –500K comments per minute –700K status updates per minute –80K wall posts per minute 16
17 Channels to analyze 1.Social networks, e.g.: Twitter: –200 million Tweets per day (2011) –200K Tweets per minute LinkedIn: 147 million users Google+: 170 million users 17
18 Channels to analyze 2.Sharing networks, e.g.: YouTube: –4 billion videos are viewed a day –100 million people take a social action on YouTube every week (likes, shares, comments, etc) Flickr: >6.500 new photos per minute Pinterest: –13 million users –American users spend an average of 97.8 minutes 18
19 Channels to analyze 3.Email lists 2172 million Email users 3375 million Active email accounts 2.8 million emails per second 90 trillion emails per year 19
20 Channels to analyze 4.Group Communication and Message Boards (e.g. Google Groups, Yahoo! Groups, Facebook Groups, etc.) Forums: 2K posts per minute Yahoo! Groups: –9 million groups –113 million users –933 thousand unique visitors daily 20
21 Channels to analyze 5.News feeds Total Feeds*: 694,311 Atom Feeds*: 86,496 RSS feeds*: 438,102 (63% of the total) *source: http://www.syndic8.com 21
22 Channels to analyze 6.Blogs: >95 million blogs available online 22K posts per minute Tumblr (Q2 2012): –55.9 Million blogs –23.3 Billion posts –20K posts per minute WordPress (Q2 2012) –73.724.911 WordPress sites 22
23 Channels to analyze 7.Traditional mediums: TV: –365 TV channels licensed in Germany Radio: –822 Radio stations in Germany Print mediums (newspapers, magazines) –382 Daily newspapers in Germany –4180 Weekly magazines in Germany 23
24 Channels to analyze 8.Online News: News websites: >25.000 Online radio stations: >2700 Online radio stations in Germany 24
26 Social Media Monitoring 26
27 Available media channels How many people would you need to manage the chaos of social media activity and extract valuable insights for your brand? 27
28 Social Media Monitoring Overview 1.What is Social Media Monitoring? 2.Why do we need the SMM? 3.Available media channels 4.Core Features of the SMM tools 5.SMM tools available in the market 6.Next Step: Response! 7.Summary 28
29 Core Features of the SMM tools A Social Media Monitoring tool should support the following core features: Listening grid Data analysis Sentiment analysis Historical data Dashboard 29
30 Listening grid SMMs should be able to gather data from many sources and in different forms (e.g. posts, pictures, videos) and establish a listening grid to capture such data. The listening grid focuses on three main aspects: 1.The channels that are monitored (e.g. blogs and micro-blogs, social networks, video and image websites, etc.); 2.Which countries and languages the tools provide support for; and 3.The topics relevant to the enterprise. Additionally, the listening grid should send alerts to inform clients (e.g. when post volume increases over a defined threshold or sentiment be- comes very negative). 30
31 Data analysis Having established a listening grid that captures data and posts around the topics the user is interested in, the next step is to analyze the data and produce actionable reports and insights for the user of the tool. The analysis is of particular importance as it encompasses the methods used to both filter the gathered data of unwanted information (e.g. spam, duplicates) and to process it in a way that is meaningful for the enterprise. The analysis should provide: – Brand monitoring and reputation management – Consumer segmentation, customer insight and market research – Identify specific conversations to join – Gather information about competitors – Support product and service development 31
32 Sentiment analysis The effort of finding valuable information in user-generated data is called opinion mining. Sentiments are determined using elements of computational linguistics, text analytics, and machine learning elements, such as latent semantic analysis, support vector machines, Natural Language Processing. Main purpose is measuring the attitude, opinion, emotional state, or intended emotional communication of a speaker or writer. A sentiment score can be extremely useful in evaluating a large data set of social brand mentions, as well as allow enterprises to filter content based on positive or negative comments, thus isolating the themes or issues that have determined the developed sentiment. 32
33 Sentiment analysis The major method of extracting sentiment from user generated content is Natural Language Processing (NLP). Sometimes called text analytics, data mining or computational linguistics, NLP refers to the computerized process of automatically analyzing the meaning of human language. Pros: The automatic techniques are tireless, fast, consistent (they do not make random errors), and can be improved over time. They offer comparable results to humans in real world scenarios. Cons: Automated sentiment technology cannot reach the quality of a human annotator. 33
34 Historical data The user has access only to captured data about topics that he has requested to monitor. Thus, he should proactively monitor topics in order to recognize problems and new opportunities. Access to previously captured data is required in order to compare the current metrics and reports related to the monitored topic with any previous state of it. It is necessary to understand the improvement of a strategy in the long-run and through the years. 34
35 Historical data Exploit the historical data of your monitoring process in order to figure out the strong points of your company throughout the years and the points that hinder the further development. Measure the impact of your various online marketing campaigns, compare them and modify them in a productive way. Discover actionable insights based on the overall image of the enterprise and act in the appropriate way. 35
36 Dashboard A user interface that organizes and presents information in a manner that is easy to read and use. Quickly captures the big picture of your monitored topics or your brand. Offers users graphical representation of the raw data in the form of charts, listings, and historical graphing of queries and phrases. Should be customizable to the needs of the client and provide a wide range of visualization tools. Present information about demographics, trend topics around the monitored subject and insights in an actionable way. 36
37 Social Media Monitoring Overview 1.What is Social Media Monitoring? 2.Why do we need the SMM? 3.Available media channels 4.Core Features of the SMM tools 5.SMM tools available in the market 6.Next Step: Response! 7.Summary 37
38 SMM tools available in the market Commercial Tools Alterian SM2 Brandwatch Converseon Cymfony Maestro evolve24 Mirror Media Metrics socialMeme Meltwater Buzz NM Incite My BuzzMetrics Radian6 Sysomos Visible Technologies Intelligence 38
39 SMM tools available in the market Alterian SM2 Storyboard report Implements the Dashboard concept. A lot of effort is taken to encapsulate SM2 data into consumable, easy-to-understand results. This new Storyboard report gives users an infographics-like report that is easily exportable. Alerting Users can set threshold-based alerts whenever overall volume or sentiment changes by specific numbers or percentages as compared to a previous time period. When an alert is initiated, the user will be emailed of the notification with the pertinent information and a quick link into SM2 with the relevant report details. 39
40 SMM tools available in the market Alterian SM2 Historical data Extensive Social Media Warehouse with historical data containing over 20 billion social media mentions, blogs, tweets, posts, images and conversations. This data includes in-depth information for each search result, including 36 types of data ranging from the date of publication to the physical location of the content creator. Sentiment Analysis Provides word parsing, weighting, proximity and Natural Language Processing to enable the most accurate and customizable sentiment analysis. 40
41 SMM tools available in the market Brandwatch Gathering Data They have built a large, distributed Crawler – a program which, similarly to how Google searches the Web, goes and visit websites from all around the world. But, visits the web in near-real time! Cleaning Data From adverts and navigation text, spam, dates (you can accurately filter your brand’s mentions by date range, and do not see mentions dating from one year ago!), duplicates, loose query definition: most of the time, a brand’s name is too generic to provide relevant results (think Orange or Next). To address this their query definition engine supports advanced query definition syntax, including some special fields which allow for far more accurate query setups. Analysing Data (Sentiment analysis, query matching) Presenting Data (Dashboard, API) 41
42 SMM tools available in the market Brandwatch Crawler database Multiple crawlers Distributed scalable architecture Spam filter Change detection Title extraction Content extraction Meta-data extraction Query matching Sentiment analysis Topic extraction Mention storage Text storage Text index Distributed scalable architecture User Interface API 42
43 SMM tools available in the market MediaMetrics socialMeme Monitoring Monitoring of over 100 million online sources in 48 languages as well as TV and radio from a single source. TV and Radio content is transformed automatically into written content which is searched through and analyzed. Analysis Articles are analyzed to identify mutual influences and quantify effects of opinion leaders. Influential authors, sources and stakeholders are identified. Means to measure the impact of the campaigns. Dashboard The tool is web-based and provides an overview of the themes landscape via a user interface. You can evaluate your communication in comparison to that of your competitors. 43
44 SMM tools available in the market Radian6 Radian6 Analysis Regarding the listening, you can choose what channels to monitor, which countries and languages you are interested in to listen to and the most important of all, what would you like to listen to and which are the hot topics for you. Radian6 Insights Helps you to go beyond the discovery of posts to uncover true social actionable insights in real-time. Summary Dashboard Monitor the health of your brand on the social web in one convenient, pre-configured application with the Radian6 Summary Dashboard. In one easy-to-read view, learn more about the volume, overall sentiment, key demographics, influencers and more around your brand, product or competition. 44
45 SMM tools available in the market Radian6 Engagement Console The solution to scaling social media engagement across your organization. This desktop application helps your company listen, engage, and measure your outreach across teams and departments. Mobile iPhone app Information today moves faster than ever before, and since the social web doesn’t stop when you’re away from your desk, you need to remain aware of the conversations around your brand at all times. API and extensions additional flexibility to the social data pulled from Insights and the Engagement Console through our API and integrations with external applications >3,000 clients – including over half of the Fortune 100 companies 45
46 SMM tools available in the market Social Media Monitoring Market The available Social Media Monitoring tools that are available in the market have been reviewed by various organizations and marketing research laboratories. The SMMs come in different shapes and sizes in order to fulfill the requirements of potential consumers of their services. Most of the tools cover the core features that have been presented in the previous slides. Source: Forrester Research Listening platforms Q3 ‘10 46
47 SMM tools available in the market Free Tools Addict-o-matic Boardreader Google Alerts HyperAlerts Klout Netvibes Social Mention Trackur Twazzup WhosTalkin Yahoo Pipes Pros: Cost-efficient alternative Cons: Limited reports Limited channel-coverage Limited functionality (e.g. workflow management, dashboard) 47
48 SMM tools available in the market Disadvantages of free tools Free tools are free of support service. There is no guarantee concerning the availability of the service. Functions are often limited to quantitative/statistical reports. Complex analysis (e.g. automated sentiment detection) may not be available for languages other than English. Many are point solutions considering few or only one platform (e.g. Twitter). Services that claim to search the entire web do not reveal which sources are really included. To get a comprehensive overview several free services must be combined. Results of free tools have to be saved and archived in user-defined structures and formats. Workflow-functionality is usually not available. 48
49 Social Media Monitoring Overview 1.What is Social Media Monitoring? 2.What are the Social Media Monitoring tools? 3.Why do we need the SMM tools? 4.Available media channels 5.Core Features of the SMM tools 6.SMM tools available in the market 7.Next Step: Response! 8.Summary 49
50 Next Step: Response! Response! Engage! Customers need answers to their questions and you need to defend your brand on the negative comments in the social web sphere. By being authentic, transparent, and operating with integrity, you will successfully engage your market and a build community of advocates who will spread your message virally in your market. The engagement concept refers to the ability of the tool to support reaction with the social media posts. Many tools today offer the integrated possibility to reply to posts and follow up to any mention, complaint or question that is needed or has some opportunities. 50
51 Next Step: Response! Example scenario Consider the case of a hardware company that sells laptops. A customer has an issue with his laptop and expresses his frustration via the social media. The hardware company is able to listen to the complaint of this customer in real time as they are using a Social Media Monitoring tool to capture discussions in the social networks that are related to their brand. The issue of the customer is forwarded to the helpdesk of the company and they contact the customer via the same medium in order to communicate their reply and answer to his problem. 51
52 Next Step: Response! Example scenario 2 Consider the case of a hotel. A customer faces a problem with the hygiene of his room and tweets about it. The Social Media monitoring tool of the hotel captures that tweet. The social media monitoring administrator would be able to easily check the most urgent issues and assign them to the responsible person with the right deadline as well as, suggest which channel to use for the response. 52
53 Next Step: Response! Prerequisite: Workflow management Workflow refers to the process of assigning, tracking and responding to social media streams, usually in a team environment in order to prevent double responses and missed opportunities. It is crucial for an enterprise tool to promote team productivity through collaboration. Main goals: Coordinate and track who at our firm is engaged, who said what to whom, who manages what relationships, etc. Consider how to get the right information to the right team on an ongoing basis – as volume increases ad hoc methods won’t scale. Classify and tag posts, adjust sentiment, and route them for follow up and engagement. Internal exploitation of the external feedback in a productive way. The feedback is routed to the right department regarding the content. 53
54 Next Step: Response! Benefits of response and engagement Customer satisfaction: “Satisfaction is simply the foundation, and the minimum requirement, for a continuing relationship with customers.” Word of mouth advertising / advocacy Awareness - effectiveness of communication Filtering: consumer rates and categorize the market Complaint-behavior: highly engaged customers are less likely to complain to other current or potential customers Marketing intelligence: highly engaged customers can give valuable recommendations for improving the quality of the products offered 54
55 Next Step: Response! Limited engagement availability in the tools Alterian SM2 Brandwatch Converseon Cymfony Maestro evolve24 Mirror Meltwater Buzz MediaMetrics socialMeme NM Incite My BuzzMetrics Radian6 Sysomos Visible Technologies Intelligence 55
56 Social Media Monitoring Overview 1.What is Social Media Monitoring? 2.What are the Social Media Monitoring tools? 3.Why do we need the SMM tools? 4.Available media channels 5.Core Features of the SMM tools 6.SMM tools available in the market 7.Next Step: Response! 8.Summary 56
57 Summary Monitor Establish a listening grid that will gather everything said and discussed around your brand and the topics that you are interested in Important parameter is the near-real time gathering of data from the social media Analyze Data mining and opinion mining at the gathered data Sentiment analysis with using NLP in order to classify into categories the gathered conversations Results Visualize the insights generated from the analysis with the dashboard tools Communicate internally the insights to the appropriate department Engage! Respond to the conversations and give the customers what they want Take care of the customers and make them feel important 57
58 Social Media Monitoring Hands On 1.Hootsuite 2.Onlim Tell-it! 58
59 1. Hootsuite Founded: 2008, Vancouver CAN Founders: Ryan Holmes (CEO), Dario Meli, David Tedman Name: / ˈ hu ː t ˈ swi ː t/ Etymology maby from french: tout de suite? Launched: December 2008 Users: > 9M in > 175 countries (August 2013) Employees: > 400 (July 2014) Business model: “freemium”
60 1. Hootsuite What is it? Wikipedia: „Hootsuite is a social media management system for brand management “ What platforms are supported?
61 1. Hootsuite - Platform
62 1. Hootsuite - Platform Engagement Multi channel dissemination to more than 25 channels One-click reply Scheduled social messaging Manual scheduling Auto scheduling Save responses Audience targeting Location Language Demographic Automatic blog post sharing
63 1. Hootsuite - Platform Listening Monitor emerging trends Visualize Compare Custom streams to follow relevant conversations Geolocated search on conversations Filter by language Visualize business metrics Identify influencers and sort them in lists trending keywords with conversation maps
64 1. Hootsuite - Platform Analytics January 2014 acquisition of uberVU Realtime insights Social demographics visualization Measure sentiment metrics Social influencers identification Resonating content identification Detailed social reporting
65 1. Hootsuite - Platform Collaboration Manage organizational structure Assing permission levels Create taskts and assignments Content approval measurements Avoid duplicate work Reduce emails and meetings by dashboard communication
66 1. Hootsuite - Platform Security Secure all social accounts Employee permission management Mobile device security Security notifications Double approval system to avoid wrong posts on wrong accounts Regulation standards implemented
67 1. Hootsuite – other products Hootlet –Chrome plugin More than 100 apps –Flickr –Flipboard –Magento –Soundcloud –Xing Mobile Apps for Android & iOS uberVU via Hootsuit Campaigns (Photo, Video, Text,... ) Screenshot:
68 2. Statistical reporting – Hootsuite Analytics Image by Why analytics? Popularity Trends Demographics Geographics Effectiveness
69 2. Hootsuite Analytics What can be analyzed? Twitter brand mentions Twitter follower groth Facebook Likes and demographics Overlay social link clicks and website visits from Google Sentiment analysis Integration of: Google Analytics Facebook Insights URL tool
70 2. Hootsuite Analytics Example: Pictures by:
71 2. Hootsuite Analytics Example: Pictures by:
72 2. Hootsuite Analytics Example: Pictures by: and PDF report export Custom logo Custom contact info
73 2. Hootsuite Analytics Sentiment analysis “Sentiment refers to the emotion behind a social media mention. It’s a way to measure the tone of the conversation—is the person happy, annoyed, angry?” Autmatic sentiment analysis for 52 languages: uberVU Pictures by:
74 2. Hootsuite Analytics Sentiment analysis Since October 2013 cooperation with Brandwatch Brandwatch monitoring within Hootsuite Dashboard Advanced Data Gathering: more than 70M sources More advanced social media monitoring Advanced sentiment analysis More languages and NLP for each
75 2. Pro - Plan 75
76 76
77 2. Pro - Plan 77 „Feel like a pro“ „Hello, this is Gerard from Hootsuit“ Get started with dashboard Organize dashboard „Need help? Have a Question?“ Offers for free consultation talks „Wondering what to post today?“ „You‘re out of content“
78 2. Pro - Plan 78 „ You‘re out of content?“
79 3. Reporting „like a pro“ 79 11 Templates Included within „Pro“: 5 Sold for 30pts: 1 Sold for 50pts: 3 Only for Premium Plan: 2 50 Points sell for 348€
80 3. Reporting „like a pro“ 80 Wrap-up of Pro-Plan: Good support via email Good customer care Reasonable monthly fee (~10€) BUT –Little included Analytics feaures –No extra Apps included (all quite expensive) –Only 1 team member included for free for advanced statistical analytics VERY expensive
81 Social Media Monitoring Hands On 1.Hootsuite 2.Onlim Tell-it! 81 Guest speaker: Corneliu-Valentin Stanciu, CTO onlim
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