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Case scenarios- Neck Swelling

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1 Case scenarios- Neck Swelling

2 Case scenario A 60- year old female presented with neck swelling for 4 months, dyspnea and hoarseness of voice for 1 month. She is in your clinic.

3 History History of neck swelling: How noticed? Often noticed by others
Duration? Acute or chronic Painful- acute lymphadenitis, thyroiditis, bleeding in goitre, submandibular salivary gland stone Painless- chronic lymphadenopathy, goitre, branchial cyst Change in size: Rapid increase- infection, bleeding, malignant change. Slow increase in neoplasms Single or multiple? Multiple- lymph nodes

4 Other symptoms Voice change ( malignant invasion)
Dysphagia ( pressure on esophagus) Dyspnea (pressure on trachea) Eye symptoms Throat pain , Oral ulcer , Nasal symptoms, Scalp lesion Systemic inquiry: GI, CVS, RS, Endocrine (hyper/hypothyroid) PMH- Nil significant, on neck radiation FH of neck /thyroid malignancies- NAD Medication/allergies- nil

5 Examination GE: Appearance, Eye, Hand tremors, tachycardia- NAD Local:
Inspection- solitary mass, left anterior triangle, moving up on deglutition Palpation: 3x3 cm hard mass from left lobe, non-tender. Rt. Lobe- normal Multiple ipsilateral LAP, Trachea shifted Percussion & Auscultation- NAD

6 Differential Diagnosis
Goitre, Thyroid mass Functional- ?Hyper, hypo, Normothyroid ? D/D Pathological MNG, Thyroiditis, Cyst Thyroid neoplasms ? Which type

7 Thyroid malignancy Papillary Follicular Hurthle cell
MTC (sporadic / familial MEN 2 A (Sipple syndrome- MTC, pheo, HPT, lichen planus amyloidosis, Hirschsprung's dis.) MEN2B (MTC, pheo, marfanoid, mucosal neuromas, ganglioneuroma of GIT) Anaplastic Lymphoma

8 Differential diagnosis
Papillary carcinoma Anaplastic carcinoma MTC Lymphoma

9 Investigations FNA- PC (malignant, non-diagnostic, benign) TFT CXR US
CT Indirect laryngoscopy: Lt RL nerve palsy Surgery

10 Inconclusive FNA Non-diagnostic/ cellular – repeat
Repeat FNA- inconclusive TSH level- normal/high- surgery TSH low- nuclear scan Low uptake- surgery, High uptake- FU or therapy)

11 Thyroidectomy Malignant nodule Progressively enlarging nodule
Pressure symptoms Suspicious nodule (FNA failed to establish a benign nature) Thyrotoxic nodule

12 Total thyroidectomy Malignant tumours ? Neck lymph node dissection
RIA (Radio iodine ablation)- large tumour, metastasis, local tumour extension Complications: Bleeding, hypoparathyroidism, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury

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