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Lamb of Glory Verses 1 and 3 by Greg Nelson and Phill McHugh Verses 2, 4 and 5 by Mark Chanski CCLI #977558 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Lamb of Glory Verses 1 and 3 by Greg Nelson and Phill McHugh Verses 2, 4 and 5 by Mark Chanski CCLI #977558 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lamb of Glory Verses 1 and 3 by Greg Nelson and Phill McHugh Verses 2, 4 and 5 by Mark Chanski CCLI #977558 1

2 Hear the story from God's Word That kings and priests and prophets heard There would be a sacrifice And blood would flow to pay sin's price. 2

3 Precious Lamb of glory, Love's most wondrous story. Heart of God's redemption of man Worship the Lamb of glory! 3

4 In the Garden dark He cried That wrath's dread cup be set aside But His Father's will be done No He'd not spare His only Son. 4

5 Precious Lamb of glory, Love's most wondrous story. Heart of God's redemption of man Worship the Lamb of glory! 5

6 On the cross God loved the world While all the pow'rs of hell were hurled So few there could understand The One they saw was Christ the Lamb. 6

7 Precious Lamb of glory, Love's most wondrous story. Heart of God's redemption of man Worship the Lamb of glory! 7

8 When He rose they clasped His feet No other friend for them so sweet For the price of sin He'd paid The flood of Hell for them He'd stayed. 8

9 Precious Lamb of glory, Love's most wondrous story. Heart of God's redemption of man Worship the Lamb of glory! 9

10 Now He reigns at God's right hand Shepherding home His chosen band He will soon appear above Forever, then, we'll sing in love: 10

11 Precious Lamb of glory, Love's most wondrous story. Heart of God's redemption of man Worship the Lamb of glory! 11

12 CCLI 977558 12

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