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What can you remember? Where would you place the following… God Father Son Spirit The creator of all things The power and presence of God God in the flesh.

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Presentation on theme: "What can you remember? Where would you place the following… God Father Son Spirit The creator of all things The power and presence of God God in the flesh."— Presentation transcript:

1 What can you remember? Where would you place the following… God Father Son Spirit The creator of all things The power and presence of God God in the flesh

2 What can you remember? The creator of all things The power and presence of God God in the flesh

3 The Incarnation Learning Objective: To understand the concept of the incarnation. To understand the term incarnation. To explain why God became human. This lesson we will be focusing on the God in the flesh aspect of the trinity. To explore how God became human.

4 Nativity!!! What is the Nativity all about?

5 Incarnation Keyword: Incarnation God in human flesh/form. The Nativity story is all about God becoming human and taking on a human body. This is God the Son.

6 The Incarnation Learning Objective: To understand the concept of the incarnation. To understand the term incarnation. Are you able to explain the term incarnation?

7 Challenge!!! You have five minutes as a table group to create the Nativity using play-doh.

8 The Nativity Story Did you have any of the following? Did you have anything else in your scene?

9 Spot the Difference There are a number of different accounts in the Bible on the birth of Jesus (God incarnate). Can you spot any similarities and differences between the two stories? Highlight the similarities in one colour and the differences in another.

10 Fact Vs Fiction Now compare the Bible accounts to our traditional view of a nativity scene.

11 Does it matter? Whatever story you read about the nativity, for Christians the most important thing is the message behind it. What can we learn about Jesus through the nativity story? Think Pair Share

12 The Incarnation Learning Objective: To understand the concept of the incarnation. To understand the term incarnation. To explore how God became human.

13 Why did God become incarnate? What can you remember from Years 7 and 8? Does this jog your memory?

14 Why did God become incarnate? SINSIN JE US God Humans Jesus came to earth to offer humans a chance to get back to God.

15 The Fall Humans needed to find a way back to God after the Fall. The story of Adam (which means man) and Eve (which means mother ) in the garden of Eden (representing the world when it was perfect, before humans messed it up) is a story which is in a sense about all of us – how despite knowing right from wrong - we still choose to do the wrong thing by being selfish and greedy. That causes a problem!

16 Sin Everyone is sinful, therefore everyone “falls “ like Adam. It seemed impossible to be perfect. In those days, they thought it meant that you would be sent to the place of “wailing and gnashing of teeth” or Gehenna, a place like the rubbish tip outside Jerusalem that burned day and night. It seemed impossible to escape punishment after death.

17 Until Jesus! Christians believe that God was incarnated. He was God become flesh. Some people say Jesus is like a window through which you can see God. He was like God because however much he was tempted to do the wrong thing and disobey god, in the end he did what he believed was right. He was obedient.

18 Until Jesus! Christians believed that Jesus was perfect. Not because he never did anything wrong - but because in the end he did the right thing, he was obedient. He made the ultimate sacrifice – he gave his life to save humans from sin.

19 Congratulations!!! Jesus Write a card to Mary and Joseph to congratulate them on the birth of their baby boy. Include the following words in your card: Incarnation/Incarnate 3 Gifts Wedge of Sin

20 Final Thoughts If you were God, would you have sent your Son to earth?

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