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1 Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting 2015-2016 Valdosta High School Valdosta City Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting 2015-2016 Valdosta High School Valdosta City Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting 2015-2016 Valdosta High School Valdosta City Schools

2 2 Welcome and Agenda

3 3 What is Title I, Part A? The goal of this program is to help disadvantaged children meet high standards. Funds are administered from the U.S. Department of Education to Local Education Agencies to provide compensatory education experiences for disadvantaged/at-risk youth. The program makes it possible for schools to acquire additional resources that help students who need them most. These children are the furthest from meeting standards the state has set for all children. Title I resources are directed to schools with high poverty levels. levels.

4 4 What is Title I, Part A? The program serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Most school districts in the state participate. Title I also serves children who attend parochial and private schools. It is the largest federal aid program for our nation’s schools.

5 How Title 1 Works The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. To get funds, each state must submit a plan describing: What all children are expected to know The high-quality standards of performance that all children are expected to meet and Ways to measure progress Money is sent to the school districts based on the number of low-income families (data derived from free and reduced lunch information). The Local School District identifies eligible schools which are those with the highest percentage of children from low-income families (35% or higher). 5

6 What are our school’s Title I requirements? There are two types of Programs: 1.School Wide Programs 2.Target-Assistance Programs 6

7 School wide Programs Schools having at least 40% of the student body enrolled from low-income families. The purpose of the school wide Title I programs is to improve the entire educational program in a school which should result in improving the academic achievement of all students, particularly the lowest achieving students. The goal of such a program is to assist those students to demonstrate proficiency on academic standards. 7

8 Target – Assistance Programs Schools operating under this program have at least 35% of its students from low-income families and they choose to identify a specific group of students to receive Title I services. In this type of program all money received from Title I must be utilized to provide extra help to only this group of students. 8

9 Valdosta City Schools All of Valdosta City Schools operate School Wide Title I programs. A School Wide Program must include the following components: School wide reform strategies Instruction by highly qualified teachers Parent Involvement Additional support for students Transition activities for preschool students 9

10 How does the school Spend Title I funds? Personnel-The following positions are funded by Title I: 5 classroom teachers, two academic coaches and a transition specialist. Our class sizes range from 15 to 30. 10

11 Our School’s Designation Status Beginning with the 2015-16 school year, the GaDOE has designated that VHS is not on any list. In addition, the GaDOE ESEA flexibility waiver outlines Georgia’s new Single Statewide Accountability System, the College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI). The CCRPI will serve as a comprehensive report card for all schools in Georgia. VHS 2014 CCRPI Score is 66.2. 11

12 Curriculum and Testing VHS uses the common core curriculum. Students are administered the Georgia Milestone’s Assessment for certain courses. These state mandated tests measure a child’s proficiency in these subjects. Students are expected to meet at or above the state proficiency level. For subjects that do not have a Milestone’s Assessment, students are administered a Student Learning Objective (SLO) test at the beginning and end of the course in order to measure progress. Students will demonstrate writing abilities on each of the Milestone Assessments. If parents have questions about any of the test administered, they should contact the office of Teaching and Learning at VCBOE. 12

13 Contacting Staff Parents are urged to set up parent-teacher conferences by contacting the Guidance Secretary, Mrs. Shiver through the school’s main phone line. Parents are also urged to obtain a private password to the Parent Portal and access student’s grades, attendance and fees on a real time access. Further, students may access their grades and attendance using the student portal. The student username is the student lunch number and the default password is (first and last name initial, two digit birthday – month, day and year). Each student is assigned a school counselor to help students with academic, personal social and college and career ready planning. These educators can be reached by contacting the Guidance Secretary. Parents may use email to contact teachers or counselors directly for quicker access. A list of staff email addresses is available on the school website. Many teachers utilize the Remind101 to text parents about assignments. 13

14 Parent’s right to know – Teacher Qualifications As a Title I school, we must meet federal regulations related to teacher qualification as defined in Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 ESEA. These regulations allow you to learn more about your child’s teachers’ training and credentials. We are happy to provide this information to you. At any time, you may ask: Whether the teacher met state qualifications and certification requirements for the grade level and subject he/she is teaching, Whether the teacher received an emergency or conditional certificate through which state qualifications were waived, and What undergraduate or graduate degrees the teacher holds, including graduate certificates and additional degrees, and major(s) or area(s) of concentration. If your child receives assistance from a paraprofessional, we can provide information about the paraprofessional’s qualifications. 14

15 School-Parent Compact Each child will bring home a school parent compact which was designed with input from parents, teachers and administrators. This compact outlines how all including - parent, student, teacher and administrator will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. Compacts will be signed by each party. 15

16 Parent Involvement Plan The Parent Involvement Plan is a working document that changes to meet the needs of the students at VHS. We hold two meetings to get parent input on the planning phase in May and September. All stakeholders are invited to the meetings and allowed to provide feedback. The plan is available in the resource centers in the Academy and Main Lobby, in the Parent Library in IMC 1, and on the VHS website. The plan is sent home at the beginning of the school year with dates of parent involvement events. Our plan’s goals for this school year are: VHS will improve core academic instruction of the Georgia Performance Standards to meet state targets on Georgia Milestones for all students in the following subjects: Ninth Literature, American Literature, CCGPS Algebra, CCGPS Analytic Geometry, Biology, Physical Science, Economics and US History and VHS will continue to increase the high school graduation rate.

17 How to stay in informed: Checkout our VHS Website at: Sign up for Facebook (search Valdosta High School). Make sure your contact information is correct for parent connect. Email addresses are used to email information. Check the marquee in front of the school. Information is often sent home with students.

18 Parent Survey – Needs Assessment A parent survey/needs assessment is administered yearly. Results are used to improve our parent involvement program. Parents will receive written notification with directions on how to complete the survey. 18

19 Parent Resource Center Two Parent Resource Centers are available in the main lobby and Academy Lobby. Resources are provided free of charge to parents to aid them in supporting core academic instruction and helping students to be successful. Parents may suggest further materials by contacting the school level parent involvement coordinator at or call 229-671-6000 Ext. 4004. A Parent Library is available with media resources that parents can check out from the school to help them with parenting and support in IMC 1. Please see Mrs. Bennett, Media Specialist to check out materials. 19

20 Parent Engagement Program The goal of the Parent Engagement Program is to increase student achievement by engaging and empowering parents, and other stakeholders, to become actively involved in their children’s education across all grade levels. Information from this program will be shared throughout the school year. More information may be found on the Department of Education’s website. 20

21 Additional Resources Brochures have been provided for you to take and preview. If you have questions concerning Title I, you may call our Principal or her designee. Dept. of Education website address so that they may acquire additional information about the Title I Part-A program. Or contact: Dr. Dan Altman, Title I Director- Valdosta City Schools 229-671-6013 21

22 22 Evaluation Questions and Answers Thank you for coming! We hope to see you again very soon!

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