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EPOS e-Infrastructure

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1 EPOS e-Infrastructure
Daniele Bailo, and the EPOS IT team EPOS Kick-off meeting – October 5, Rome

2 What is an e-Infrastructure?
Short (and ambiguous) answer: an infrastructure with some “electronic” e- e-road e-dam e-railway e-airport

3 e-Infrastructure for research
Interworking of:* people and organisational structures digitally-based technology(hardware and software) resources (data, services, digital libraries,HPC) communications (protocols,access rights,network) GOAL: support modern, internationally leading collaborative research * [Research Councils UK (RCUK)]

4 EPOS e-Infrastructure
people and organisational structures

5 EPOS e-Infrastructure
resources (data, services, digital libraries) 244 Research Infrastructures 138 Institutions 22 countries 2272 GPS receivers 4939 seismic stations 464 TB Seismic data 1.095 PB Storage capacity (seismology) 1.240 PB Storage capacity (GNSS DC) 828 instruments in 118 Laboratories

6 e-Infrastructure for research
What about: digitally-based technology (hardware and softw.) communications (protocols,access rights,network) ?


8 Architecture Integrated Core Services (ICS) Interoperability layer
Thematic Core Services (TCS)

9 Principles – 1. Interoperability
System A  System B communication By means of common language (protocol) and interface to “translate” Protocol System A System B Interface Interface Service A Service B System + interface= service [Newman, Sam.”Building Microservices”,O'ReillyMedia,Inc.,2015]

10 Principles – 2. metadata Metadata describes an object without actually accessing it Discovery Contextualization Detailed processing * PROESSING INCLUDES SCHEMA INFORMATION TO CONNECT SOFTWARE TO DATA [RDA: the importance of metadata, Keith G Jeffery, Rebecca Koskela]

11 Integrated Core Services - ICS -

12 ICS - Integrated Core Services ICS-C and ICS-D
ICS-Central Hub Orchestrates external resources (ICS-D) EPOS member states competition for hosting it ICS-Distributed services Provide IT resources not built by EPOS ICS-C Computational resources Visualization resources Others…

13 Interoperability Layer: ICS-APIs (wrappers)
ICS-C EPOS GUI EPOS APIs ICS-D METADATA catalogue System Managing Software IAAA system Workflow Engine Interoperability Layer: ICS-APIs (wrappers) TCSs TCS API TCS API Data set Data products Services Software Data set Data products Services Software National RIs FR Seismic networks FR Seismic networks FR Seismic networks FR Seismic networks FR Seismic networks FR Seismic networks FR Seismic networks FR Seismic networks National RIs National RIs National RIs National RIs

14 ICS-C Generic Architecture
Authentication and Authorization Layer (AAI) GUI Client API METADATA catalogue Accounting System System managing software Workflow Engine Resource connector ICS-D Connector TCS Connector

15 ICS-C Generic Architecture
Authentication and Authorization Layer (AAI) GUI Client API METADATA catalogue Accounting System System managing software Workflow Engine Resource connector ICS-D Connector TCS Connector

16 System Managing Software
It’s the software we have to develop. Bundle of software/technologies, e.g. Interfaces to other ICS modules: Integration with 3rd party tools for: caching tools (rabbitMQ) workflow tools Integrate and orchestrates all ICS components

17 ICS-C Generic Architecture
Authentication and Authorization Layer (AAI) GUI Client API METADATA catalogue Accounting System System managing software Workflow Engine Resource connector ICS-D Connector TCS Connector

18 Metadata-Elements of EPOS ecosystem
Researchers, research managers, innovators, media User Model User interaction with the system: AAAI, interaction workflow, multlinguality Processing Model Describes functions of processing environment etc. Data Model Describes research data and ancillary info (instituions) Resources: 1. data providers, 2. internal to ics, 3. other outside epos delivery framework. We describe: instruments, data storage resources, data processing and visualization Data model: 3 layers. Ongoing work: metadata collection, data taxonomy Processing model: 1.description of the functions available in each processing environment, 2. protocols to connect to them, 3. algorthms which deal with the composing of the processing User model: how a suer interacts with the system: iaaa, interaction workflow, multilinguality Resource Model Representing ICT resources Complete ICT environment for research

19 Metadata model 3-layers Manage the complexity
CERIF (formal syntax, declared semantics) Functions -Discovery, selection -Impact assessment -Manage interoperability Issues (selection of) heterogeneity Many standards to be mapped from TCS Ontologies Complex work Web portal, Spatio-Temporal Search Discovery (DC) and (CKAN, eGMS) Generate Contextual (CERIF metadata model) Point to Detailed (community specific) Esempio carta identità domain specific – data (TCS or Naational Ris)

20 Contextual (CERIF metadata model)
( Common European Research Information Format

21 Metadata Q&A Do TCSs need to adopt CERIF metadata standard? No, but provide “rich” metadata Do TCSs need to copy their metadata into the ICS metadata catalogue? Short answer: we need translation Long answer  next slides

22 ICS-C Generic Architecture
Authentication and Authorization Layer (AAI) GUI Client API METADATA catalogue Accounting System System managing software Workflow Engine Resource connector ICS-D Connector TCS Connector

23 AAAI (Authentication, Authorisation, Accounting Infrastructure)
Who (name) is accessing your data? How is your data being used? Can you measure the impact of your data on society? If yes, which is its value? What if I download your data and re-sell it? May I please download your data and replicate it on my personal commercial cloud? How do you manage privacy? Who is citing your data?

24 Great! Only one password to access to 7 systems!
AAAI layer Purpose Authenticate users Authorize users Transparent access to TCS and ICS-D data & services Goal Only 1 login – Delegation Issues Many system, sometimes non interoperable EPOS-EGI-CC AARC, EUDAT AAAI ICS-C AAI ICS-D AAI AAI AAI TCS 1 TCS 2 …TCS n

25 AAAI Q&A Is my EduGAIN/X509/… AAAI system interoperable with ICS? EPOS ICS and other initiatives are working on AAAI interoperability I’m starting from scratch, can ICS help? Of course. Let’s talk with your IT crowd* Do I really need an AAAI? Do you really need a debit card? *

26 ICS-C Generic Architecture
Authentication and Authorization Layer (AAI) GUI Client API METADATA catalogue Accounting System System managing software Workflow Engine Resource connector ICS-D Connector TCS Connector

27 Workflow engine Purpose
Workflow represent a process (Algorithm, service, computation), a composition of atomic functions Tracks data transformation Allows versioning and reproducibility Generates provenance Comments Interoperability among various workflow engines VERCE contribution Rapid validation and monitoring

28 Workflow & provenance example
Two years ago I analyzed 12 of those 341 “*.dat” files in my ./temp/specs/ folder… But ..hey.. I don’t remember WHICH files and HOW I PROCESSED THEM… …and made an image for my paper….

29 ICS-C Generic Architecture
Authentication and Authorization Layer (AAI) GUI Client API METADATA catalogue Accounting System System managing software Workflow Engine Resource connector ICS-D Connector TCS Connector

30 EPOS Interface GUI & API
Human interface (GUI) Website or portal Machine interface API or Web service which execute scripts or queries Returns data/metadata in a given standard Esempio carta identità

31 “EaaS” EPOS as a Service
Metadata & services available: RDF export (“old” ENVRI) OAI-PMH, CKAN, open-search… (EUDAT) other standards CERIF XML APIs Other CRIS EPOS GUI EPOS APIs RDF OAI-PMH EPOS APIs

32 ICS-C Generic Architecture
Authentication and Authorization Layer (AAI) GUI Client API METADATA catalogue Accounting System System managing software Workflow Engine Resource connector ICS-D Connector TCS Connector

33 Accounting system Purpose Keeps track of
Used resources (data, processing) Users actions Goal Load balance Logging Statistics Impact analysis Tailor GUI to user Uses metadata catalogue May I know which resources were accessed by a user and when? Which is the most downloaded data? Most searched data? Is your TCS available or too may users connected?

34 ICS-C Generic Architecture
Authentication and Authorization Layer (AAI) GUI Client API METADATA catalogue Accounting System System managing software Workflow Engine Resource connector ICS-D Connector TCS Connector

35 Connectors Software Interfaces to RESOURCES ( TCS or ICS-D) EPOS ICS Resource connector ICS-D Connector TCS Connector Service API Service API Service API Service API …….. Service (ICS-D) Service (ICS-D) Service (TCS) Service (TCS)

36 Thematic Core Services - TCS -

37 Time for QUIZ Which are the main ingredients of TCS architecture?
New building and new hardware New furniture for my office Money System managing the data; metadata; web services Schema describing the data management plan

38 TCS generic architecture
D) System managing the data; metadata; web services National Layer Research Infrastructures: these can vary in different countries within a specific scientific community. They represent the existing DDSS. TCS system: this represents the e-Infrastructure for a specific scientific community. It may include the software used to federate National RIs, or the software to present results on the web (web portal). Metadata Catalogue: this is usually a database where each data object (e.g. file, in case of non-streamed data) is referenced and described by the metadata. It can be used to drive the Web Services

39 TCS Checklist DDSS / Assets Metadata describing them (standard)
Web services (API) exposing them ICS-TCS common work on metadata data policies implemented (AAAI)

40 TCS Metadata principles
Metadata used for Data / Dataproducts, Software, Services, Resources, Users Approved (e.g. OSI,OGC, INSPIRE…) or de facto standard Intra community common strategy Metadata already used by other communities? Common developments? community data (e.g. seismic waveforms, GPS time-series, geological maps), software (e.g. an analysis or visualisation application), services (e.g. use of specialist equipment), resources (e.g. computers, instrumentation, detectors) and users (with their roles, responsibilities and authorities used for AAI).

41 TCS Web services / APIs principles
Each type of Data delivered (and its associated metadata) should be accessible via web services and/or APIs Based on approved (e.g. OSI) or de facto standards Main purposes Discovery (metadata) Data access and retrieval (e.g. download) Data analysis / visualization / processing

42 ICS-TCS common work Metadata
Definition of community, standard-based metadata APIs Definition of APIs for data discovery and for data access/retrieval Match & Map: Match/Mapping of community metadata within the Metadata Catalogue

43 Metadata match and map Process of mapping Metadata elements to the canonical CERIF ICS –TCS common work in selecting discovery and contextual metadata element (e.g. lat, lon, author,etc)

44 Metadata & interoperability
Do TCSs need to copy their metadata into the ICS metadata catalogue? Metadata dump: Metadata is copied. Requires polling, many entries in ICS catalogue, TCS low “burden” Metadata Runtime access: MD accessed by querying web services. No polling, avoids errors, needs reliable TCS webservices Match / Mapping is required for both options

45 TCS-ICS Open issues

46 Computational Earth Sciences (CES)
Not reinvent the wheel principle: re-use existing software / available resources TCS contribution: mapped in the assets/requirement collection phase ICS will set up a bid procedure for CES

47 Identifiers (PID / UID):
encourage their adoption by TCS to Unique and reliable reference to Digital Object Reproducibility of data & citation Interlinked with other initiatives (EUDAT, RDA) Ongoing discussion: ICS-C will provide further recommendations


49 “the ITs” We support you!

50 ICS STAFF - WP6&7 Needed urgently BGS, KNMI, INGV, UiB, GFZ WP Chairs:
Keith Kuvvet Matt Institutions: BGS, KNMI, INGV, UiB, GFZ Task forces: Architecture Graham PID / UID Martin Workflow James AAAI Mariusz Documentation IT TCS CONTACTS Needed urgently

51 Thank You Epos Social WebSite Newsletter
R.I.D.E. Epos Social

52 Common questions Do ICS store the data? No but for technical purposes. Data is stored & curated by users. Do ICS assign PIDs? In principle no. Ongoing discussion I feel lost: where should I start from? Define metadata for your data

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