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Shakur, Claire, and Victoria.  1850 he moved to Oslo which used to be Christiania. Where he study for his university of matriculation exams. Get into.

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Presentation on theme: "Shakur, Claire, and Victoria.  1850 he moved to Oslo which used to be Christiania. Where he study for his university of matriculation exams. Get into."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shakur, Claire, and Victoria

2  1850 he moved to Oslo which used to be Christiania. Where he study for his university of matriculation exams. Get into college.  With the help of some colleagues he published a book called “Catiline”  The book got some good critiques  He started a play called “The Warriors Barrow” but it was still inferior to “Catline”

3 The Stages of IBSEN’s Career

4  Ibsens’s work is divided into three different sections the first section Ibsen worked on was about Early Dramas.  They where written in verse and were modeled after romantic historical tragedy and Norse sagas  The plays he wrote were noted for their idiosyncratic Norwegian characters and the emerging elements of satire and social criticism

5  “Gildet Passolhaug”  “Gruingertilostraat”  “Haemaendene Paattelgeland”  “Love’s Comedy” Ibsen’s explored the conflict and attached the concepts of love between the artists mission and his responsibility to others and example of this would be the play Love’s Comedy

6  In the 2 nd stage of his career he wrote plays concerned with social realism  The play Deungles Forbund introduced speech

7  In the 3 rd stage of his career he returned to Norway in 1891. His plays dealed with the conflict between life and art 

8  pd_9/0,9130,1489997-,00.html

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