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Intern: Sofien Lazreg MSc in Informatics: Information Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Intern: Sofien Lazreg MSc in Informatics: Information Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intern: Sofien Lazreg MSc in Informatics: Information Management

2 Research Task: Create Information Extraction prototype which extracts information from articles to support the process of a Systematic Literature Review Short on SLR: Systematic Literature Review is a type of evidence- based research, where the goal is to answer some pre-stated research questions by collecting and synthesizing (all) the available research within a field of study, in my case Software Engineering.

3 Research When an SLR is performed, a large amount of data (academic workshops, articles etc) is processed manually to extract the needed information.

4 Research Goal: Try to automate and support this data extraction phase

5 Research Progress: -Using MALLET API to create a CRF model -Trained on a small, manually labeled dataset (to be expanded) -Currently testing and evaluating the model

6 Norway Capital: Oslo Population: 4,9 Million Density: 385 186 km^2


8 Trondheim.


10 NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology Movie time:

11 Data and Information Management group Research focused on database systems, information management and retrieval, and digital libraries LINK: enu=dif enu=dif

12 Summary Leaving 25th November (from avg. 25 degrees celcius to avg. -15 d. c. ) Thanks to Min-Yen and NUS for this great opportunity

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