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2  Methodology of research  View on content of research  Research plan


4  Figure out the opportunities for Chinese investors to invest in the sector of energy in Madagascar  Analyze the present situation of the sector  Determine the future trend of the sector

5  Analyze large amounts of data on :  the legal environment of investment in Madagascar,  the legal environment of the energy sector; the industrial structure,  the impact of FDI,  the developing needs and  strategies concerning the energy sector.


7  Legal: Law 2007-036  Analyze each section  Point out the opportunities for foreigners to invest  Give the way about establishment in the country

8  Main actor: The company of water and electricity of Madagascar: JIRAMA  Give a practical and accurate description of its present situation

9  Identify its problems  Point out the potentiality:  Of the market  Of the production  Implications of investment in the energy sector

10  Describe the way of delivery of Authorization and Concession for either:  PRODUCTION or  DISTRIBUTION or  TRANSPORTATION


12 STEPDATE Research and collection of dataSeptember-October 2014 Write thesis draft:November –December 2014 Finish Final Thesis:January –march 2015 Defence preparation 01 April – 15 April 2015

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