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Presented by Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., PhD.. Reversing The Process: Cause and Effect “Thought is energy and energy is power” What you think or do or.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., PhD.. Reversing The Process: Cause and Effect “Thought is energy and energy is power” What you think or do or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., PhD.

2 Reversing The Process: Cause and Effect “Thought is energy and energy is power” What you think or do or feel, is an indication of what you are. You become what you think and hear yourself say you are.

3 Reversing The Process: Cause and Effect The real “I” is Spiritual  It is your connection to the Universal  The only difference between the “I” and the Universal is one of degree. (ex…Ocean)  The world within is controlled by the “I” and this “I” is part of the Universal Energy or Spirit.

4 Reversing The Process: Cause and Effect The world “within” is controlled by the “I” and the “I” is one with the Infinite which is the Universal Energy or Spirit, usually called God. We are coming to think of God as dwelling in man rather than as operating on men from “without.” “Know ye not that ye are the temple of the living God”

5 Reversing The Process: Cause and Effect Service The more you give the more you get  Once person invest in a stock that doubles. That person invested $1,000 receiving $2,000. A profit of $1,000.  Another person invested $10,000 receiving $20,000 profiting him $10,000.

6 Reversing The Process: Cause and Effect Meditation You should therefore seek the silence frequently. Power comes through repose; it is in the silence that you can be still and when you are still, you can think, and thought is the secret to all attainment.

7 Reversing The Process: Cause and Effect  Thought is carried by the “Law of Vibration.”  It receives vitality by emotions through the “Law of Love.”  It takes form through the “Law of Growth.” Your level of belief will influence how quickly your dreams become reality.

8  Thought is spiritual energy.  Thought is carried by the Law of Vibration.  Thought is given vitality by the Law of Love.  Thought takes form by the Law of Growth.  The secret of the creative process is that it is a spiritual activity.

9  You may develop the faith, courage and enthusiasm that will result in accomplishments by recognizing your spiritual nature.  Service is the secret of power because you get what you give.  Silence is a physical stillness.  Silence is the first step to self-control and self mastery.

10 31. What is thought? Thought is spiritual energy. 32. How is it carried? By the Law of Vibration. 33. How is it given vitality? By the Law of Love. 34. How does it take form? By the Law of Growth. 35. What is the secret of its creative power? It is a spiritual activity.

11 36. How may we develop the faith, courage and enthusiasm which will result in accomplishment? By recognition of your spiritual nature. 37. What is the secret of Power? Service 38. Why is this so? Because you get what you give. 39. What is the Silence? A physical stillness. 40. Of what value is it? It is the first step to self- control and self-mastery.

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