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How did the world help? This lesson, we’ll see how the disaster relief programme was a worldwide effort.

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Presentation on theme: "How did the world help? This lesson, we’ll see how the disaster relief programme was a worldwide effort."— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the world help? This lesson, we’ll see how the disaster relief programme was a worldwide effort.

2 The Indian Ocean tsunami led to the biggest disaster relief effort ever known. Help came to the stricken countries from all around the world. It included food, shelter, medical supplies, machinery, expert assistance and money. People, organisations and governments all gave help. Perhaps you gave something yourself or your school organised a money-raising event.

3 International relief organisations which are used to dealing with natural disasters such as earthquakes and flooding tried to get blankets, tents, clean water, food and medical supplies as fast as possible. This was not easy as local airports for the planes to land and roads to carry supplies has been destroyed.

4 Following appeals in newspapers and on television, ordinary people began phoning in or using the internet to give money for essential goods. People in the UK contributed over £100 million in only a few days and the Disaster Emergency Appeal raised £300 million before closing down after two months. Many fund-raising events were also organised. These included international football and cricket matches and a concert in the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.

5 Governments also gave help. They provided trained personnel, helicopters, lorries, heavy machinery and emergency supplies. They also gave a total of £3.7 billion to the disaster relief programme. Much of this money was put to long-term needs such as rebuilding schools and hospitals and restarting industries destroyed in the disaster. Helping people caught in a natural disaster is not easy. Providing the right kind of help at the right time can be difficult job. People affected by the tsunami had different needs at different times. Priorities change from the time a disaster happens and during the weeks, months and even years afterwards.


7 Usually, people soon forget about a natural disaster, especially when these disasters take place a long way from home. Within a month of the tsunami, it was no longer in the world news. Within six months government personnel had pulled out and the aid workers had left. However, the relief operation was a success. It saved lives and helped countries recover from the enormous disaster that had hit them.

8 1. Draw a table like the one below and put the following examples of aid into the correct columns.

9 2. Imagine that you were in Sri Lanka at the time of this photo. Make a list of the things that you could do to help.

10 3. Think of something that you and your school could do to raise money for the disaster appeal. Design a poster to advertise your appeal.

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