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SSOA 2015 Trifling Foul or Misconduct. FOULS A foul is an unfair or unsafe action: 1.Committed by a player 2.Against the opposing team 3.On the field.

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Presentation on theme: "SSOA 2015 Trifling Foul or Misconduct. FOULS A foul is an unfair or unsafe action: 1.Committed by a player 2.Against the opposing team 3.On the field."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSOA 2015 Trifling Foul or Misconduct

2 FOULS A foul is an unfair or unsafe action: 1.Committed by a player 2.Against the opposing team 3.On the field of play 4.While the ball is in play

3 TRIFLING OFFENSES o Game should be played with little interference from referees o It is the duty of the referee to penalize deliberate breaches of the rules, allowing game to flow and interfere only to protect the safety of the players and ensure a fair game o Constant whistling for trifling or doubtful fouls produces bad feeling and loss of enjoyment for players and spectators o A trifling offense is one that has no significant impact on play o Advantage is not applicable to such offenses o Can give a yellow card for PI o Watch out for retaliation

4 MISCONDUCT o Yellow Card – 7 reasons o Red Card – 7 reasons o Yellow/Red Separate Hands – 2 reasons NJ Mod

5 UNFAIR TACKLE o Making contact with the opponent before the ball when making a tackle o The fact that contact with the ball was made first does not automatically mean the tackle was fair o A tackle from behind may or may not be a foul

6 UNFAIR TACKLE o Warning signs o Distance opponent follows player o Happens in front of the bench o Ball on outside of player – opponent has to go thru the player to get ball

7 UNFAIR TACKLE Mode of Contact o Direction and speed of tackler o Locked or straight leg o Lunging and takes off from a distance o Cleats exposed and making contact

8 UNFAIR TACKLE o Area of Contact -- ankle, Achilles, knee o Height of the tackler’s leg(s) – ball height or above

9 CARELESS FOUL o Player has not exercised due caution in making a play o Direct kick restart o Simple miscalculation of strength or judgement

10 RECKLESS FOUL o The player has made unnatural movements designed to intimidate an opponent or gain an unfair advantage o Action is clearly outside the norm for fair play o Yellow card for unsporting behavior

11 EXCESSIVE FORCE o Player has far exceeded the use of force necessary to make fair play for the ball and has placed their opponent in danger of being injured o Force, totally beyond the bounds of normal play o Red card - SFP

12 HANDLING o Trifling o Foul o Misconduct

13 HOLDING o Trifling o Foul o Misconduct

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