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Fighting AOS Meeting/October 19, 2015. Contents Preventative Officiating Definition of Fighting Officials Actions Fighting Situations Bench Personnel.

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Presentation on theme: "Fighting AOS Meeting/October 19, 2015. Contents Preventative Officiating Definition of Fighting Officials Actions Fighting Situations Bench Personnel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fighting AOS Meeting/October 19, 2015

2 Contents Preventative Officiating Definition of Fighting Officials Actions Fighting Situations Bench Personnel Involvement Complex Situation

3 Preventative Officiating Take Control of Game to Prevent Fighting Talk to Players Take Action on Instigation Talk to Captains Talk to Head Coaches Call Double Foul Discuss with Game Management

4 Definition of Fighting Rule Book 4-18, 10-6 Case Book 10.4.5 Fighting is a flagrant act and can occur when the ball is dead or live. Fighting includes but not limited to combative acts such as: An attempt to strike, punch or kick by using a fist, hands, arms, legs or feet regardless of whether contact is made. An attempt to instigate a fight by committing an unsporting act that causes a person to retaliate by fighting. Fighting is a flagrant foul which means ejection.

5 Instigation Unsporting acts by themselves are technical fouls which result in two free throws for the opponent. Unsporting acts which result in retaliation by fighting are considered fighting and result in a flagrant foul/ejection.

6 Officials Actions Maintain Composure Do not get involved physically. “Don’t touch players”. Immediately ask Head Coaches to intercede. Observe and take numbers. Who is fighting? Which bench personnel entered the court? Get help from Official Scorer. Get together and discuss with partners. How many technical fouls are issued. Maximum Free Throws. Notify assignor right after the game. Report to IHSA.

7 Are These Fighting? 1.A1 on offense sets a clean hard pick while using his forearms as protection. B1 falls to the ground yells an obscenity at A1 who continues to run down the court and says nothing. 2.After player B1 yells the obscenity at A1, A1 intentionally steps on B1’s leg A1 and falls on top of him. 3.B2 and A2 are on the court come in and separate the players and restore peace. 4.B2 and A2 who are on the court come in to separate and throw punches at each other. What would you call in these situations?

8 Answers 1.B1 is issued a technical foul and Team A shoots two free throws and gets the ball out of bounds at the division line opposite table 2.A1 and B1 are both ejected for fighting. No free throws are shot. Ball put into play at point of interruption. 3.A1 and B1 are issued flagrant fouls for fighting and ejected. No free throws are shot. Ball put into play at point of interruption. 4.All four players are given flagrant fouls and ejected. No free throws are shot. Ball put into play at point of interruption. Any thoughts?

9 Bench Players Involved Bench personnel who enter the court are automatically ejected. Head coaches who enter the court to break up a fight are not penalized. Free throws are only shot if one team has more bench players that enter the court. Maximum two free throws for leaving bench and just entering the court. Free throws for entering and participating in fight if number from each team are not equal (Two for each additional person).

10 Bench Personnel Examples 1.A6, A7 and A8 enter the court and fight with B6, B7 and B8 2.A1 and B1 start fighting in front of B1’s bench. Coach of B enters the court and breaks up the fight 3.A2 and B2 start fighting and A6, A7 and B6 come off the bench to break up the fight but no punches are thrown 4.A3 and B3 start a fight and A6 enters to court to observe and B6 enters to court and gets involved in the fight

11 Answers 1.All six players are ejected and each coach is issued 3 indirect fouls and are ejected as well and must leave the vicinity. No free throws. Ball inbounded at point of interruption. 2.A1 and B1 are ejected. No penalty for coach. No free throws. Ball inbounded at point of interruption. 3.All five players are ejected. Coach A and B are given one indirect technical foul. Team B shoots two shots and inbounds to ball at the division line opposite the table. 4.All 4 players are ejected. Each coach is given one indirect foul. No free throws are shot and ball in inbounded at the point of interruption Any Thoughts?

12 Complex Situation A1, B1 and B2 are on the court and participate in a fight. A6, A7 and B6 come off the bench to join the fight. Do we shoot free throws based on the players involved in the fight? How many indirect technical fouls are assessed to the coaches? Are any free throws awarded based on indirect technical? How many players are ejected? Where is the ball put in play?

13 Solutions/Discussion Team A shoots two free throws for having one less court player in the fight. Team B then shoots two free throws for having one less bench person join the fight. Coach A is assessed two indirect technical fouls for the two players leaving the bench and participating in the fight. Coach B is assessed one indirect technical foul for the player leaving the bench and participating in the fight. Six players are ejected and the coaches lose the coaching box. Each team is assessed three team fouls. Ball is put in play at with a throw-in by Team B at the division line opposite the table.

14 Any Questions?

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