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Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Period 3 Different kinds of food: hamburgers coke fishbreadorange apple juice bananas.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Period 3 Different kinds of food: hamburgers coke fishbreadorange apple juice bananas."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Period 3

3 Different kinds of food: hamburgers coke fishbreadorange apple juice bananas

4 dumplings coffeepotato chipsnoodles vegetables hot dogs cake rice meat

5 Do you like apple juice? Yes, I do. I like it very much.

6 Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do.I like them a little.

7 Do you like coke? No, I don’t like it at all.

8 I like it a little. I like it very much. I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all. I like it a lot.

9 3. Do you like this coat? -- Not at all. 1. Thank you very much. -- Not at all. ( 一点也不喜欢 ) Not at all. = No, I don’t like it at all. Not at all. = You are welcome./It’s my pleasure./My pleasure. 2. Sorry, I don’t know. --Not at all. ( 没关系 ) ( 不用谢 ) Not at all.= That’s OK./That’s all right.

10 at all “ 根本 ”, 一般用于否定句中, 位 于句尾, 意思是 “ 根本不 ” Not at all. “ 没关系 ”,“ 不用谢 ”. 1) I don’t like them at all. 3) She can’t ride a bike at all. 她根本不会骑车. 我根本不喜欢它们. 吉姆根本不喜欢米饭. 2) Jim doesn’t like rice at all. 4) They aren’t at home at all. 他们根本不在家.

11 cake






17 Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. What about you? No, I don’t like them at all. I do, too.=Me, too. I like them, too.

18 Li ShanFatherMother Likes Doesn’t like rice meat rice noodles dumplings fish vegetables fruit rice noodles Read and make the following chant: dislike

19 Li Shan is from a family of three people. They like to eat different kinds of food. Li Shan likes rice a lot. She likes to have rice for every meal. But She doesn’t like meat at all. Li Shan’s father is from Shangdong. He doesn’t like rice at all. He likes noodles and dumplings very much. Li Shan’s mother is from Dalian. She likes fish,vegetables and fruit very much,but she doesn’t like rice or noodles.

20 Talk about you and your family’s likes and dislikes.

21 根据材料,请找出 Jim Green 为家人准备的晚餐,并填写表格。 Today is my birthday. I want to thank my family for their love. So I cook the dinner for them.I know my mother likes hamburgers and broccoli. But my father likes chicken and tomato soup.I have a brother.he likes hamburgers,too. But he doesn’t like broccoli. He likes carrots. I have a sister, too. She likes fish and French fries. I like chicken and strawberries. I will buy these things for the birthday party. Mrs Green Mr GreenbrothersisterJim hamburge r and broccoli chicken tomato soup hamburgers carrots fish French fries chicken strawberries

22 1. She _____________ ( not like ) salad. 2. ______ you ______ ( like ) apples or oranges ? 3. He _______ ( eat ) lots of healthy food every day. 4. There _______ ( be ) some chicken on the table. 5. Mike’s brother _______ ( like ) ice cream. 6. ______ your father ______ ( like ) eggs for breakfast ? 7. They ____________ ( not like ) playing basketball. 8. There _____ ( be ) two tomatoes in the bag. 9. My mother _____ ( have ) supper at home every day. 10. Mr Green _____________ ( not have ) lunch every day. 二. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 : doesn’t like Dolike eats is likes Doeslike don’t like are has doesn’t have

23 Talk about your friends likes and dislikes. My friend A likes…and…, but he doesn’t like…or….B likes …

24 本课常见的交际用语表达 : I like it very much./ a lot. /a little. I don’t like them at all. Li Shan is from a family of three people. They like to eat different kinds of food. She doesn’t like meat at all. She doesn’t like rice or noodles. My father likes noodles, I do, too. / Me, too. My mother doesn’t like meat, I don’t, either./ Me, either.

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