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B.C. Pre-history and classical Malta YEARS:(5000-218 B.C.)

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3 B.C. Pre-history and classical Malta YEARS:(5000-218 B.C.)


5 A.D. Classical, Paleolithic and Medieval Malta (60-1530)


7 The Knights of St. John (1530-1798)

8 The French Occupation (1798-1800)

9 The British Period (1800- 1964)

10 1939 World War II World war

11 The Port


13 Opera House

14 To honour her brave people I award the George Cross to the Island Fortress of Malta to bear witness to a heroism and devotion that will long be famous in history.", (sgd) George R.I. 15th April 1942 George cross

15 1945 End of War End of war

16 Independence Day 21 st September 1964 Independence Day




20 General Info Size: The longest distance on the island, from the south-east to the north-west is some 27kms; its widest point, east to west, is 14,5kms Density: 1.234 per km² (one of the highest in the world) Population/ Bevölkerung: 394.583 (July 2001 est.)

21 General Info continued The Language The people speak their own tongue - Maltese, a language of Semitic origin. Through the ages, many foreign words, particularly Italian, became part of the language, and Maltese is the only Semitic language written in Latin characters. English is one of two official languages and is widely spoken in Malta and Gozo. Die Sprache Malta hat seine eigene Sprache: das Maltesisch - eine Sprache semitischen Ursprungs. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden viele Fremdwörter in sie aufgenommen - vor allem italienische. Maltesisch ist die einzige semitische Sprache mit einem lateinischen Alphabet. Englisch ist die zweite offizielle Sprache und wird von den meisten Bewohnern der Inseln gesprochen.

22 Religion: The majority of Maltese are Roman Catholic. There are small Anglican, Church of Scotland, Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Methodists and Muslim communities Die meisten Malteser sind katholisch. Daneben gibt es zahlreiche kleine Gemeinden: Anglikaner, Church of Scotland, die griechisch-orthodoxe Kirche, Juden, Methodisten und Muslime. General Info continued

23 Economy / Wirtschaft : Total GDP: - $5.6 billion (2000 est.) (GDP =, Bruttoinlandsprodukt ) GDP - per capita: - $14,300 (2000 est.) Inflation Rate: 2,5% (2000 est.) Labor force - by occupation: industry 24%, services 71%, agriculture 5% (1999 est.) Unemployment Rate: 4,5% Industries: tourism; electronics, ship building and repair, construction; food and beverages, textiles, footwear, clothing, tobacco General Info continued

24 Cuisine FEW OF THE MANY DISHES: Aljotta – Special fish soup. Fenek -Rabbit is almost a national dish Torta tal-Lampuki – Fish pie made out of the national fish (Dorado).

25 Tourist Arrivals JANUARY TO AUGUST

26 What to do on the Isles Whats there to do on the ISLANDS?

27 Touristy places Some of the nicest places on the Island of Malta are located at the coast. One can find many hotels, resorts, bars, pubs, restaurants, discos, cinemas, and all one might need to have an unforgettable holiday. Among these places, there are:



30 St. Julians

31 Sandy Beaches

32 La Valletta and the 3 Cities PICTURES

33 Valletta is named after its founder: Grand Master of the Order of St John, Jean Parisot de la Valette. But the city really owes its birth to his arch enemy, Grand Turk Suleiman the Magnificent. Valletta had been planned before the siege. But the plans could only be executed once a grateful Christendom had lavished riches on the Knights for their defeat of Suleiman. The magnificent fortress city grew on the arid rock of Mount Sceberras peninsula, which rises steeply from two deep harbours, Marsamxett and Grand Harbour. Started in 1566, Valletta was completed, with its impressive bastions, forts and cathedral, in the astonishingly short time of 15 years. Valletta

34 The Three Cities Malta may well owe its name to the area known as the Three Cities. The ancient Greek name for the Islands, Malet, loosely translates as a place of shelter. Certainly the fingers of rock jutting out into Grand Harbour with their deep natural inlets have provided shelter for ships from ancient times to present day. 1.Senglea: The city was named after the Grand Master, Claude de Sengle, who founded it. 2.Birgu: Renamed Civitas Vittoriosa, the City of Victory 3.Cotonera Know Together as: Cottonera after the Grand Master Cottoner who built their inland defences.

35 Pics

36 MDINA – The Silent City - The history of Mdina and its suburb Rabat is as old as the history of Malta itself. - Mdina, Maltas medieval capital, can trace its origins back more than 4000 years. - Rabat can claim the origins of Maltese Christianity. - It was here in A.D. 60 that the Apostle St Paul is said to have lived after being shipwrecked on the Islands. - Both Mdina and Rabat are fascinating to tour for their timeless atmosphere and their cultural and religious treasures. - It was home then, as now, to Maltas noble families; some are descendants of the Norman, Sicilian and Spanish overlords who made Mdina their home from the 12th century onwards.

37 Pics Street in Mdina Mdina GateSt. Pauls Square Arial View Highest Point in Malta

38 GOZO – The Sister Island of Malta


40 Archeological Places

41 Village Festas

42 Water Sports

43 Diving

44 Language School

45 Rain and Tempertures

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