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The Components of an Essay English 1- Student Notes.

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1 The Components of an Essay English 1- Student Notes

2 The 3 Main Components of Essay Writing  ________________

3 What Does an Introduction Do?  __________________the reader into the essay topic  ___________________ for the topic  Explains and illuminates the ___________________ of the essay  Offers an __________________ for the rest of the paper

4 Introduction: An Introduction is an Ice Cream Cone  Tasty Topping = __________________________  Ice Cream = _______________________________  Cone = _____________________________  Chocolate at the Bottom of the Cone (Nutty Buddy) = __________________

5 Or…  An Introduction is an Inverted or Upside-down Pyramid _______________________ _________________ Info _____________ _____________ Info ____________ Statement

6 Example of an introduction: Attention grabber: A family traveled on a long, windy road to go to an amusement park. When they arrived, they went on every ride there and enjoyed many different games. Background information: Interestingly, this family was affected by centripetal force, the force that compels a body to move in a circular path, in nearly all of their activities. More specific background information: This unnoticed force allowed the family to arrive at the park and remain safely seated in the roller coaster seats. Precise thesis statement: Though individuals seldom pinpoint it in action, centripetal force and its mathematical configuration affects people’s daily lives.

7 Using a Vehicle in the Introduction and Conclusion  What is a vehicle?  __________________________________________________________  A vehicle can be a small story or anecdote (to provide an example or make a point relating to the topic), a quote, or an idea  Where do you put a vehicle?  __________________________________________________  To provide greatest effect, a vehicle should be restated or returned to in the conclusion  Where / what type of essay is a vehicle best for?  Personal essays, narrative essays, informal essays  It can be used for formal essays if applicable to the topic and style of the assignment  Why use a vehicle?  It adds interest to the essay; ______________________________  Provides a nice ____________________________  Provides symbolism and adds significance to a topic

8 Body Paragraphs  Support the thesis claim  __________________________________________ __________________________________________  Include evidence and explain ideas  __________________________________________ __________________________________________  Contain a topic sentence  ________________________________________  Contain ______________ that move the reader smoothly from one idea to the next

9 Conclusion  ________________________________________  Leaves the reader with a lasting impression that the author knows the subject and articulates it well  Reconnects to the vehicle in the introduction (if a vehicle was used)  Literary scholars, Strunk and White, state that writers should end with a “strong image, but not an over inflated one. In conclusions, writers should avoid the temptation to be overly profound or state opinions that do not support the topic of the essay” (Chapter 5.6).

10 A Conclusion is a Pyramid _______ _________ ____________________ _____________________ ___________________________ Use different words, but keep the same ideas in the same order Refer back to the introduction and background information Reconnect to the vehicle used in the introduction

11 Conclusion Example: Restated thesis: Centripetal force is a crucial component in everyday activities, though people rarely point it out. Sum up main points: It becomes apparent whenever an object is not traveling in a straight path—whether it be a car on a road, a person on a roller coaster ride, clothes in the dryer, or that curveball pitch. Concluding sentence: Thus, whenever an object travels in a circular motion, centripetal force is at work.

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