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Transition Tips Julie Gordey, LMS Assistant Principal Christine Simpson, LMS Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition Tips Julie Gordey, LMS Assistant Principal Christine Simpson, LMS Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition Tips Julie Gordey, LMS Assistant Principal Christine Simpson, LMS Principal


3  Overcoming the locker

4 Purchase an inexpensive combination lock. Student can practice the “3 forward, 2 back, 1 forward” process over the summer and unlock locker with ease the first day of school!

5  Try camp!

6 Great way to team build with new friends and staff while learning about the new school!

7  Join in the fun!

8 Art club, C2, RADD, Student Council See what your school offers…and join! PTA, Watch DOGS, Volunteer, Site- Based

9  Organization and Study Habits

10 No more backpacks in class  Large Binder with dividers for each class or… similar system where students can easily access notes, homework, agenda, or other resources needed Designated study area at home for maximum focus on learning!

11  Dress for success!

12 Go over district dress code before you do your school shopping. Tights, shorter shorts, jeans with holes above fingertip length are common areas of concern

13  Communicate-we want to hear from you

14 Parents Teachers Peers Siblings Counselors

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