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Inequalities in health EE23CY131 3 credit unit. Aims & Objectives Understand and evaluate stratification Analyse data that demonstrates health inequality.

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Presentation on theme: "Inequalities in health EE23CY131 3 credit unit. Aims & Objectives Understand and evaluate stratification Analyse data that demonstrates health inequality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inequalities in health EE23CY131 3 credit unit

2 Aims & Objectives Understand and evaluate stratification Analyse data that demonstrates health inequality Analyse sociological explanations for health inequalities

3 Statistics What are Statistics? What can statistics be used for? Are statistics reliable? How are statistics collected

4 Analyse statistics on the distribution of health and illness. How statistics are collected The importance of statistics Research health statistics relating to different social groups Highlight inequalities found using statistics Discuss the reliability of statistics.

5 Statistics  Surveys are just one means of gathering statistics.  How else can statistics be collected? Ways of collecting statistics Census Medical records BallotsExperiments

6 Statistics  Why are statistics important?  What can they help us to show? Statistics can show Increase/decrease in medical conditions Public opinionEmployment ratesHousing issuesImmigration/Emmigration

7 Demography  Demography is the term used to describe the study of changes in the size and structure of the population.

8 Demography  Conduct your own demographic research on the Access to HE Diploma (Health) class.  Using the survey papers provided compile statistics on the average learner on an Access to HE Diploma (Health) course at Coleg y Cymoedd  Use the worksheet provided to collect data on your class – collate your answers and answer the questions.

9 Demography – ask yourself  What do your results tell you?  Are your results reliable?  Did you find any inequalities?  What could be the reasons for these inequalities?

10 Can we always trust statistics?  Read the article on ‘misleading statistics’ and decide whether we should always trust the things we read.  Answer the questions at the back of the article. does-Graphs-reveal-statistics-produce-false-connections.html

11 Inequalities in health EE23CY131

12 What do you think influences health?  Nature and biology  Lifestyle factors  Environmental factors Illness is determined by much more than just biology

13 Sociological Approaches  Health and illness are not just natural or biological  Health and illnesses is shaped, distributed and understood in relation to social factors

14 Main determinants of healthSource: Dahlgren and Whitehead 1991.Dahlgren and Whitehead 1991

15 What is Stratification?? How do you think this relates to health? Division into a hierarchy of distinct social groups.

16 Social stratification  Occurs when social inequalities shape peoples life chances, and life styles.  Identifies differences.  Can be used to categorise class, gender and ethnicity.

17 Social class – Registrar generals social class scale  Occupational and educational status.

18 You decide!  Is it fair to use scales such as the registrar general list to group people and make assumptions about life chances?

19 Research! – Complete the following using resources in the LC  What do trends suggest about rates of health and illness relating to social class?  How does social class affect health?  What reasons are there for the trends in statistics?  What do trends suggest about rates of health and illness relating to gender?  How does gender affect health?  What reasons are there for the trends in statistics  What do trends suggest about rates of health and illness relating to ethnicity?  How does gender affect health?  What reasons are there for the trends in statistics?

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