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WEEK THREE SEPTEMBER 14- 18. Monday 9/14/09 The events were not exciting, so we went to Pat’s house to play tennis. The boys went to store and the movies.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK THREE SEPTEMBER 14- 18. Monday 9/14/09 The events were not exciting, so we went to Pat’s house to play tennis. The boys went to store and the movies."— Presentation transcript:


2 Monday 9/14/09 The events were not exciting, so we went to Pat’s house to play tennis. The boys went to store and the movies.

3 Answer Key Agreement: subject -verb- events - plural subject; were - plural verb. Singular subjects require singular verbs - event was Comma: before a conjunction in a compound sentence - FANBOYS - for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so. You only need the comma when there is a complete sentence on both sides of the conjunction. Proper adjective- person - Pat Apostrophe- possession- Pat’s house

4 Correct Sentence Monday The events were not exciting, so we went to Pat’s house to play tennis.

5 TUESDAY Please bring this book america revisited to the deans room victor since he needs it.

6 ANSWER KEY Words often confused: bring & take: bring is toward and take is going away. Commas: appositive and direct address. Appositive is a noun placed next to another noun to give information about that noun. Direct address is when you speak to a person directly in the sentence and are speaking to them; not about them. Proper Nouns: book & person. Underlining: book Apostrophe: possession - the dean’s room

7 Correct Sentence Tuesday Please take this book, America Revisited, to the dean’s room, Victor, since he needs it.

8 Wednesday Last Summer joe attended a six week institute at georgetown university he had morning classes and worked at the chinese embassy every afternoon

9 Answer Key Common noun: summer is a season Proper nouns: person, school, governmental body. Chinese Embassy is a proper noun and not a proper adjective because it is an actual institution, therefore; Embassy is also capitalized. Hyphen: compound adjective - six-week Semicolon: between main clauses. A semicolon is used when you have a compound sentence but no conjunction. There must be a complete sentence on both sides of the semicolon.

10 Correct Sentence Wednesday Last summer Joe attended a six-week institute at Georgetown University; he had morning classes and worked at the Chinese Embassy every afternoon.

11 Thursday helen try and arrive before 930 pm so that their will be time for us to visit margo said

12 Answer Key Quotation marks- direct quotation - punctuation needed after the quote. Idiomatic usage - to not and. Colon - separates numerals in time Capitalization- abbreviation Periods- abbreviation Homophone- there Comma- direct quotation Proper noun - person

13 Correct Sentence “Helen, try to arrive before 9:30 P.M. so that there will be time for us to visit,” Margo said.

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