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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 1 TGi Draft 1Clause 8.2-8.2.2 Comments IEEE P802.11E Security/D1.0 Letter Ballot# 25.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 1 TGi Draft 1Clause 8.2-8.2.2 Comments IEEE P802.11E Security/D1.0 Letter Ballot# 25."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 1 TGi Draft 1Clause 8.2-8.2.2 Comments IEEE P802.11E Security/D1.0 Letter Ballot# 25

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 2 Summary of Comments Total Comments79 Editorial –Minor30 –Major1 Technical –Minor4 –Serious4 Clarification Required1 Repeated39

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 3 374 – Insert word “the” 375 – Replace “this” with “these” 1290 – Replace “new” with “additional” 376 – Replace “it” with “if” 377 – Replace "equipement" with "equipment" 65 – Spell out abbreviation of init to initialization Editorial - Minor (by Comment ID) All of the following have been confirmed as minor editorial comments and valid: 65, 67, 374, 375, 376, 377, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 385, 386, 608, 757, 1232, 1290, 1292, 1296, 1344, 1365, 1366, 1370, 1433, 1488, 1489, 1561, 1603, 1753, 1754

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 4 Editorial – Minor (by Comment ID) 379 – Replace use of word “obtains” 380 – Clarify support for WEP and WEP2 608 – Fix graphics arrows 757 – Remove unnecessary sentence 1296 – Clarify use of word “unique” 1366 – Repair graphics lines and arrows 1344 – Correct figure numbering 385 – Insert word “in” 386 – Insert clause reference (clause xxx)

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 5 Editorial – Minor (by Comment ID) 1365 – Insert ref re ICV in WEP2 to WEP Basic 1433 – Clarify portion of frame that is encrypted 67 – Make byte count in figure consistent w/ text 1292 – Remove opinions 1370 – Add example of key ID fields 1488 – Correct number of fields identified 1489 – Clarify IV field name reference 1754 – Remove word “catastrophically” 1561 – Minimize repetition in WEP/WEP2 description

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 6 Editorial – Minor (by Comment ID) 1603 – Insert phrase “better privacy” re WEP2 381 – Delete duplicate word “with” 382 – Insert word “be” 383 – Correct figure reference 1753 – Add reference for “Vernam” cipher 1232 - Add examples for Basic WEP, WEP2, AES, and PMAC

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 7 Editorial – Major (by Comment ID) 1484 – Change section title from “data encapsulation” with “cipher suites” The following has been identified as major editorial comment and warrants group discussion prior to approval: 1484

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 8 Technical - Minor (by Comment ID) 64 – Insert warning against Basic WEP use 93 – Define a Message Integrity Check for WEP2 1295 – Define Key Extension/Truncation bit order 1445 – Clarify PDU minimum length inconsistency The following have been identified as minor technical comment and warrant group discussion prior to approval: 64, 93, 1295, 1445

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 9 Technical - Major (by Comment ID) 66 – Clarify or remove use of Key ID / Pad in IV 590 – Add replay protection using IV 1368 – Change location of encryption algorithm indicator 1756 – AP knowledge of Cipher Suite The following have been identified as major technical comment and warrants group discussion prior to approval: 66, 590, 1368, 1756

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/296r1 SubmissionMitch Buchman May 2001 Slide 10 Clarification Required (by Comment ID) 759 – MIB Undecryptable Counter The following has been identified as a comment which requires further clarification by the submitter: 759

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