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©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Lindamood-Bell ® Professional Learning Community “Blue Notes” Instructional Records Kathryn Winn April 10, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Lindamood-Bell ® Professional Learning Community “Blue Notes” Instructional Records Kathryn Winn April 10, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Lindamood-Bell ® Professional Learning Community “Blue Notes” Instructional Records Kathryn Winn April 10, 2014

2 ©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Lesson Recording: Why? They reflect what you accomplish in each session. Documentation of Instruction: tracks what your students have completed Provides you with diagnostic information for pacing through the programs Gives you objective information with which to assess the progress of your students

3 ©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Progress Monitoring Real-time progress monitoring You can use them to direct your own session: —Scan them in the beginning of session to help direct your current session focus. —See what the students struggled with, or what was newly introduced, in the last hour. Other teachers can use them to help direct sessions. They are a tool to gauge progress hour to hour, day to day.

4 ©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Lesson Recording: How? Record and evaluate each session in your blue notes. Note errors and areas of difficulty. Note when tasks are too easy. Make your notes while you interact with your students. Quickly note with abbreviations—this allows you to focus more on the student’s performance.

5 ©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Abbreviation Key UnabbreviatedAbbreviated ReceptiveRec. ExpressiveExp. Color Encoding (blocks 1 syll)CE Nonsense WordsNS Reading in ContextRIC SyllableSyll MultisyllableMS Multisyllable Color EncodingMSCE Breaking RulesBr. Rules Sight Word BoxSWB ExpectanciesExpecs

6 ©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes UnabbreviatedAbbreviated Two Vowels Go Walking2vgw Final EF E Visual Spelling ChartVSC Star Words Words Symbol ImagerySI ClinicianClin/Cl. StudentS. Or, 1st initial of student’s name Sentence by SentenceS x S Multisentence by MultisentenceMS x MS Whole ParagraphWhole P Higher Order ThinkingHOT Abbreviation Key

7 ©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Abbreviation Key UnabbreviatedAbbreviated PicturesPics Picture SummaryPic Sum/Psum/PS Word SummaryWS/Wd Sum Main IdeaMI Structure WordsStr. Wds. Symbol Imagery ExercisesSI exer./ SI ex MiscallsMC Self-CorrectionsSC Getting the Main Idea / Drawing Conclusions / Getting the Facts / Using the Context GMI / DC / GTF / UTC Know Noun / Known Noun in a SentenceKN / KNIS PromptPR or P (usually circled)

8 ©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes

9 V/V Blue Notes Record the following: The task/step The level and book used for that task Receptive, expressive, or silent Evaluation of performance on the task Note speed of processing Gesturing, looking up Automaticity Subjective generalization of the amount of questioning or prompting needed Vocabulary

10 ©2014 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Seeing Stars / LiPS Blue Notes Record the following: The task/step The level Evaluation of performance on the task Note errors/self-corrections or what needs reinforcement Note speed of processing

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