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Aim: What does it mean to be Muslim? Do Now: What do you know about Islam? What would you like to know?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What does it mean to be Muslim? Do Now: What do you know about Islam? What would you like to know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What does it mean to be Muslim? Do Now: What do you know about Islam? What would you like to know?

2 I How did Islam begin? A) Muhammad, a merchant (trader/businessman) as born 570 CE in Saudi Arabia. B) Most people who lived in Arabia (Arabs) were polytheistic nomads. However, Muhammad would have come into contact with Jews and Christians. ARABIA

3 How Did Islam Begin? Continued… C) At 40 years old, Angel Gabriel told Muhammad he was to be God’s final Prophet (messenger). D) Muhammad was forced out of Mecca (for fear he would overthrow the authorities), and went to Medina. This journey was called the Hijrah “migration”. He gained an army of followers. E) Muhammad returned to Mecca with his army in 630 CE. He successfully took the city, which became a holy place for followers of his new religion, Islam. F) Muhammad died in 632 CE. According to the Hadith (a collection of Islamic oral tradition), he flew to Jerusalem on a winged horse, and rose to heaven.

4 II Beliefs of Islam A)There is only one God, Allah. Islam means “Submission to the will of God”. Followers of Islam are called Muslims. B)All Muslims believe in the 5 Pillars of Islam : THE 5 PILLARS OF ISLAM 1. There is only one God, Allah. Muhammad was his prophet. 2. Prayer five times per day. 3. Give to charity. 4. Fast during the holy month of Ramadan from dawn until dusk. 5. Make a hajj (a pilgrimage to Mecca) at least once if you are able to go.

5 Al Haram Mosque in Mecca During Hajj Season

6 Hajj: the 5 th Pillar of Islam Muslim pilgrims (religious travelers on their Hajj) must circle the Kaaba stone, which is enclosed in a cube-like building in Mecca.

7 Hajj: the 5 th Pillar of Islam As part of the Hajj ritual, Muslims must throw stones to cast out the Devil.

8 Beliefs of Islam Continued… C) Muslims believe that Muhammad is the final prophet (messenger) of Allah. D) Like Christians, Muslims believe in a final day of judgment, and heaven and hell. Which prophets do Muslims share with Jews? Which prophets do Muslims share with Christians?

9 III Muslim Sacred Texts A) The holiest book of Islam is the Koran (Qur’an). B) The Hadith was written after the death of Muhammad. It is a collection of Islamic oral tradition. Both the Koran and Hadith were written in Arabic. C) The Jewish Bible and the New Testament are respected, but Muslims believe the Koran is the accurate and final word of God.

10 IV Muslim Sacred Places A) Mecca is the most sacred city in Islam. B) The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is a mosque that was built on the spot where Muhammad is believed to have risen to heaven. The Dome of the Rock is built on the Temple Mount, where the former Jewish Temple stood. How do you think this has affected the relationship between Jews and Muslims?

11 V Muslim Practices A) The Muslim place of worship is the mosque. However, 5 times a day, Muslims will stop what they are doing, and unroll a prayer rug. During prayer, you must remove your shoes. B) Inside a mosque, men and women are separated. Like synagogues, there are no images of people. C)Prayer is led by an imam. Muezzins call Muslims to prayer. A minaret; where the muezzin calls Muslims to prayer.

12 Muslim Practices Continued… D) Many Muslim women veil (cover their head). However, the practice of veiling is due more to culture than religion. Women in Saudi Arabia recently won the right to vote. However, they are still not allowed to drive. Restaurants are segregated into sections for single men, and families. Turkey is mostly a Muslim country, but the government is not a theocracy. Notice that not all of the women are covering their hair.

13 IV Muslim Holidays A)Muslims must fast from dawn to dusk for the holy month of Ramadan (the 4 th Pillar of Islam). B) Eid is a 3 day celebration at the end of Ramadan. Presents and charity are given. An Eid celebration in Peshwar, Pakistan

14 What do you know… or think you know about Sikhism? A. Just as Christians have a cross as their symbol, Sikhs have a symbol called a Khanda.

15 What is Sikhism? B. Religion founded in India (1469) by Guru Nanak and built upon by the nine prophet teachers (Gurus) who succeeded him. C.The word “Sikh” means disciple or student. D.World’s youngest monotheistic religion. E. Sikhism is distinct from Hinduism or Islam - with its own unique, divine scripture embodied in the Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh Holy Book). Guru Granth Sahib

16 What is Sikhism? Continued  Fifth largest religion.  Universal religion which is open to all - recognizes & respects all human beings as equals.  Does not recognize race, class, caste, or other earthly distinctions between people.  Recognizes men & women as equal in all aspects of life.  Sikh place of worship is called ‘Gurudwaara’

17 Ten Gurus were important to the foundation of Sikhism, the first Guru was called Guru Nanak, he was born in India in 1469. All of the gurus lived in a part of India called Punjab.

18 Who are Sikhs? F. 22 million Sikhs worldwide trace the origin of their religion to Panjab, meaning the ‘Land of the 5 rivers’, located in Northern India.

19 Basic Beliefs  There is Only One God.  Equality of mankind.  Freedom and Liberty for all.  Speaking out against injustice and standing up for the defenseless is considered a Sikh’s duty.  Condemnation of superstitions and blind rituals.  Intoxications such as alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs are strictly forbidden.



22 Which Islamic and Sikh beliefs and/or practices do you find the most interesting? Why?

23 Key Vocabulary 5 Pillars of Islam Angel Gabriel Arabic Dome of the Rock Eid Haddith Hajj Hijra Imam Islam Jerusalem Kaaba Stone Koran Mecca Medina Minaret Mosque Muezzin Muhammad Muslims Ramadan Veiling

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