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Getting ready for the AP Exam Test layout, helpful hints, and test strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting ready for the AP Exam Test layout, helpful hints, and test strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting ready for the AP Exam Test layout, helpful hints, and test strategies

2 1. Brief Intro. To AP Exam:  -2 sections: multiple choice and essay section  -Need to know not just what will be tested, but how it will be tested.  -tests knowledge and skills in expository writing and rhetoric

3 1. Brief Intro. To AP Exam:  -Final Score:  1- Not qualified  2- Possibly Qualified  3- Qualified  4- Well Qualified  5- Extremely Qualified

4 1. Brief Intro. To AP Exam:  -Section 1: Multiple Choice (70 mins)- Counts for 66 % of your grade; 100 multiple choice questions, which means you have exactly 42seconds per question to read, decipher, answer, and bubble in.  - Section 2 – Free Response (50 mins)- Counts as 33% of your grade; point value can vary year to year and for each question. You get two questions, one more with definitions and the second always a siatuion

5 1. Brief Intro. To AP Exam:  -Free Response Score ( -Criteria for a 9(if highest grade): “answers all facets of the question completely, making good use of specific examples to support its points, and is ‘well-written’ -Criteria for a 0: means you basically wrote gibberish

6 1. Brief Intro. To AP Exam:  -Your final score is from 1-5 (Generated from a combination of your scores from the first 2 sections): Process is complicated. If you really want a detailed description of this process see me and I will show you a detailed explanation.   -Getting AP Credit:  - Need to check with colleges (counselor) to see if school accepts AP credit  - 4-5 will get you credit  - 3 usually will get you credit  - 1-2 will get you no credit

7 1. Brief Intro. To AP Exam:  - Test day: Bring comfortable clothes (dress in layers), a snack to eat during break, at least 2 #2 pencils, a few blue or black ink pens (they do care about the colors unlike me), and get sleep the night before.

8 2. Cracking the System: The Multiple Choice Section

9 IDFK and Guessing  Some people think that guessing can hurt you, but that isn’t true. Your chances of guessing correctly will go up if you can eliminate one or more choices. Imagine that.  You should take your best guess as long as you can eliminate even one answer choice.

10 Tips  Write in your booklet. Make notes to yourself and use the booklet as a personal tool.  Underline or mark things that can change the question such as not, all, always, ever, except, least, lease likely, or rarely

11 Tips  Answer the questions in order if you can do them in a resonalalbe amount of time. Otherwise, mark the question you skil in your bookelt so that you can come back…but make sure you come back!

12 Tips  Don’t “Overthink” Some of the questions may be easy for you to answer. If so, be happy and move on. Easy for you doesn’t mean easy for someone else.

13 Tip  Should I guess!!!  HECK YEAH… especially now! There are no points deducted from missing an answer this year. Still try to eliminate any answers that you can  Eliminate 1 of 5- increase of 5%, 2 of 5 13%, 3of 5 30%.

14 Tips  Change your answers on if you have a good reason for the change


16 Remember our free response rules  Commandment 1  "Thou shalt read the question"  "Thou shalt read the question AGAIN!“  “Thou shalt read the darn question until thou understandith it without question”

17  Commandment 2  "Thou shalt not write an introductory paragraph or concluding paragraph/statements“

18 `  Commandment 3  "Thou shalt not be overly concerned with grammar, spelling, etc.; it is not graded, psychological knowledge is."

19  Commandment 4  "Thou shalt always write in paragraph format; listing is neither accepted nor appropriate."

20  Commandment 5  "Thou shalt write in ink. ”  “Thou shalt only write in black ink…no…blue ink is okay…but THOU shalt write in BLACK”  “Scratching out misinformation is fully accepted."

21  Commandment 6  "If Thou findeth contradictions in yea free response, leave it, only the correct information will be scored."

22  Commandment 7  "Thou shalt write legibly….FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, BUDDHA, ALLAH, BRAHMAN, JEHOVAH, YAHWEH, JAH, OHKAR, AHURA MAZDA, NOBODY, OR WHOEVER YOU BELIEVE IN…WRITE LEGIBLY!!  If your essay happens to be graded at the end of the day, your free response may not receive as accurate a reading."

23  Commandment 8  "Thou shalt not use the root word when asked to define a term within your definition. (i.e. repression is when you repress memories)."

24  Commandment 9  "Thou shalt underline the word you are defining or giving an example of in your response."

25  Commandment 10  "Thou shalt make your instructor proud and pass the A.P. Test!!!!"

26 DID YOU FOLLOW THE TEN  1-Read the question  2 -No into/conclusion  3-Relax on Grammar  4- paragraph form  5- write in ink  6- don’t worry about contradictions  7- write legibly  8- no use of root words in definitions  9- underline the word you are defining  10- TRUST YOU WILL PASS THE AP EXAM

27  As to not bother others I will pass out the scoring guides. You need to do a few things.  1) Trade papers with someone else  2) Read over and follow the guidelines (no room for being nice here)  3) Grade your partners accrodingly.

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