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Year 8 revision. Where to go for help… School website > pupils > learning platform (enter your username and password) > Pupil departmental resources >

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Presentation on theme: "Year 8 revision. Where to go for help… School website > pupils > learning platform (enter your username and password) > Pupil departmental resources >"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 8 revision

2 Where to go for help… School website > pupils > learning platform (enter your username and password) > Pupil departmental resources > history > Year 8 > Religion in Early Modern England > assessments > Yr 8 test

3 What do I need to know? The dates when each Tudor monarch reigned Henry VIIIEdward VI Mary IElizabeth I What religious tolerance means Key differences between Protestant and Catholic beliefs (NOT what the church LOOKED like!) 1) 2) 3) About John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs 1)who was John Foxe?2) Was he Protestant or Catholic? How do you know? Why Henry VIII Broke with Rome 1)Love2) Money 3)Religion4) Power Why people have different interpretations of Bloody Mary? 1) Why do some people think she is bloody? 2) Why do some people think she isn’t bloody?

4 Break with Rome Introduction Love Point “Love strongly motivated Henry to Break with Rome. Example “Henry only began to think about Breaking with Rome when he met Anne Boleyn.” Explanation: “ This shows that love inspired Henry to break with Rome, because unless he broke with Rome he would not be able to divorce Catherine and marry Anne.” Link: “ Love and religion worked together because Anne was a Protestant, so believed that the Pope should not be head of the Church. Because Henry was so in love with her, he allowed her to persuade him to Break with Rome.” Money Religion Power Conclusion

5 The dates when each Tudor monarch reigned Henry VIII Edward VI Mary I Elizabeth I What religious tolerance means Key differences between Protestant and Catholic beliefs (NOT what the church LOOKED like!) 1) 2) 3) About John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs 1)who was John Foxe? 2)Was he Protestant or Catholic? How do you know? Why Henry VIII Broke with Rome (learn this in LOTS of detail) 1)Love 2)Money 3)Religion 4)Power Why people have different interpretations of Bloody Mary? (learn this in LOTS of detail) 1)Why do some people think she is bloody? 2) Why do some people think she isn’t bloody?

6 Exam tips… Read each question carefully: Underline any key words or phrases Underline WHAT the question is asking you to do Spend longer on the questions that are worth the MOST marks! Keep writing to the end of the test For essay questions: Write an introduction, separate paragraphs for each point and a conclusion Use Point, Evidence, Explanation Link to organise your writing in each paragraph A good explanation should begin… This explains why Henry VIII broke with Rome because… This explains why Mary has such a bad reputation because…

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