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Basics of Web Based Computing. The Architecture The user’s system A Web Server What’s inside? Server software Apache or other Resources to be accessible.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics of Web Based Computing. The Architecture The user’s system A Web Server What’s inside? Server software Apache or other Resources to be accessible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics of Web Based Computing

2 The Architecture The user’s system A Web Server What’s inside? Server software Apache or other Resources to be accessible by means of the Web

3 Typical structure Server is initiated at startup File space is divided Some default location for browser access Index.html (or index.htm) file in the root directory accessed through the server Default location in the areas assigned to users Points to the html directory in your filespace

4 The protocols HTTP Hyper text transport protocol Specifies the way the information is requested and provided Includes invisible compression in some cases Other protocols ftp://[user-id[:password]@]machine/path/file file:[//machine]/path/file Server may be configured to accept or not accept protocols other than http

5 The Language Files accessible through the Web are retrieved by using http and are displayed. The software that displays the file contents depends on the format of the file data. Browsers can display information of several formats. Browser may contain code to interpret and display the data Browser may invoke another program to display the data. The lingua franca of the Web is HTML, now XHTML.

6 XHTML (X)HTML is a markup language Information about the information (meta information) is imbedded in the document How the information is processed depends on the definition of the meta information and the program that processes it. HTML was designed to describe how a document should be displayed. Size and boldness of headers Use of italics, underline, and bold in text Spacing in tables and charts HTML was also designed to allow parts of a document to be linked to other parts and to other documents

7 Other display requirements Some things are hard to display using HTML and standard browsers Music Mathematics Protein structure, etc. Other systems were needed to define ways to display these types of information, and others.

8 SGML and XML SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is a language for defining languages HTML is an example language SGML turned out to be burdensome XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is derived from SGML XHTML is HTML recast as an XML language Both allow communities to define new markup languages appropriate to their needs

9 A quick introduction to XML (from This material is slightly shortened and rephrased, but essentially from this site. XML is a set of rules for designing text formats that allow you to structure your data Extensible, platform independent, international support (unicode-compliant) Uses tags that look like HTML Brackets and Attributes HTML defines how the data will look; XML tags only delimit data. How the data will be used or presented is left up to the program that processes it.

10 XML continued XML files are text Humans can read them, but that is not the idea It is easy to write new programs to process the data, because the format of the file is not proprietary XML 1.0 is the specification that defines what “tags” and “attributes” are. Beyond XML 1.0, “the XML family” is a growing set of modules that offer useful services to accomplish important and frequently demanded tasks. (quote)

11 XML and XHTML XHTML is an XML application. XHTML has slightly different format from HTML, to conform to XML rules. XHTML determines what the tags mean and how they should be rendered.

12 The Semantic Web Successor to the World Wide Web More coordination of meaning The W3C Resource Description Format (RDF) “integrates applications and agents into one Semantic Web” Please see the web page cited and additional material at for more complete information.

13 Separating meaning from description XML allows a community (or an individual, but that would be unusual) to define a set of tags to be imbedded in a collection of information. A separate DTD (document type definition)

14 Example Address book DTD (+ = one or more, * = any number, ? = at most once)

15 The XML file An XML file to correspond to the addressentry dtd Ridley Anna Anne Grandmom 123 A Street Apartment 3A Willington DE 19804

16 Summary We have seen a brief overview of the architecture of the Web and an introduction to XML and DTD. We will continue with discussion of forms and form processing

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