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Life in colonial times By: Faith Deweese. Who I am I am comparing my daily life to the life of a colonial child who’s father is a tobacco farmer.

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Presentation on theme: "Life in colonial times By: Faith Deweese. Who I am I am comparing my daily life to the life of a colonial child who’s father is a tobacco farmer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life in colonial times By: Faith Deweese

2 Who I am I am comparing my daily life to the life of a colonial child who’s father is a tobacco farmer.

3 Trades and Farming My father owns a tobacco farm. The slaves work the farm to trade with the locals. In my life we don’t have to trade with local people we can just go to the store to buy items we need or want.

4 Family life Father is also a large landowner. I am the youngest of 7 children all boys and me. Mother and Father own 3 personal slaves and over 100 working slaves, and treat them badly. In my life I believe that all people should be equal. Also I am an only child.

5 Pastime/ hobby I am not allowed to go to grammar school or to college like my older brothers. Instead I am in etiquette classes that teach “women's work” like knitting and cooking. In my life I get to go to school and I am horrible at cooking, cleaning, knitting etc. If I was enrolled in a class like that I would fail.

6 Communication I am friends with some of the girls in my class. I also like to play games with my older brothers. In my life I am friends with people at my school. I don’t have siblings to play games with.

7 Relations with other people We live a mostly isolated life. Most families of colonial times do. My family is very close to one another. In my life my family enjoys parties and getting together with other families, and friends.

8 Religion Most families in colonial times are Christians. We live too far away from town to make an extra trip to church so we read the bible and have sermons as a family. I can read and write because of the bible. I am a Christian in my life as well.

9 Education I wish that I could go to grammar school like the boys. It is not fair that girls are subjected to life as a housewife. Yet etiquette school is my only means of learning. I am given the opportunity to go to school unlike girls in colonial times.

10 Daily Life We make most of the things we need but we can trade for things we cannot make. We have a horse and buggy to transport us to town and back. We play a ball and cup game to have fun. In my life we buy the things we need, use a car, and play electronic games.

11 Conclusion Life was very different for children as well as adults in the colonial times than it is now.

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