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Syntax LING 200 Spring 2002. Wh- movement Chia-Hui has given the answer key to Aixa. Chia-Hui has given the answer key to who? Who has Chia-Hui given.

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Presentation on theme: "Syntax LING 200 Spring 2002. Wh- movement Chia-Hui has given the answer key to Aixa. Chia-Hui has given the answer key to who? Who has Chia-Hui given."— Presentation transcript:

1 Syntax LING 200 Spring 2002

2 Wh- movement Chia-Hui has given the answer key to Aixa. Chia-Hui has given the answer key to who? Who has Chia-Hui given the answer key to? To whom has Chia-Hui given the answer key? Chia-Hui has given the answer key to Aixa. subj-aux inversion wh- movement

3 Some wh- words in English who, whom whose what when where why how which

4 Sekani Word order: SOV [sãst  h  nà  ì / àt  ] black beardogit bit ‘A bear bit the dog.’ [ V  ] = nasal vowel [ V  ] = low tone vowel [  ] = voiceless alveolar lateral fricative [  ] = voiced velar fricative [ / ] = glottal stop

5 Wh- formation in Sekani Some wh- words –[ma] ‘who, whose’ –[ja] ‘what’ [ja  õh] ‘why’ (‘what for’) –[tetsa], [tewa], [teta] ‘where’ –[tena] ‘which’

6 Wh- word in situ Wh- word is subject [jat  h  nà  ì / àt  -a] whatdogit bit-wh ‘What bit the dog?’ Wh- word is object [t  h  ma nà  ì / àt  -a] dogwhoit bit-wh ‘Who did the dog bite?’

7 Wh- word in situ Wh- word is indirect object Ednat  h ãziCorinne  àniht h e . puppyshe gave to ‘Edna gave the puppy to Corinne.’ Ednat  h ãzima  àniht h e  -a? puppywhoshe gave to-wh ‘Who did Edna give the puppy to?’

8 Wh- movement Lindak h U  ne jìti  e  t  stet  pl. upthey went ‘Linda and those guys went up[river].’ Linda k h U  ne tetsa  t  stet  -a? pl.wherethey went-wh ~ Tetsa Linda k h U  ne  t  stet  -a? ‘Where did Linda and those guys go?’ Optional when wh- word replaces directional adverb:

9 Summary of wh- movment English has wh- movement transformation Sekani –generally does not use wh- movement –only when wh- word replaces adverbial expression

10 Syntax summary Sentences are more than linear strings of words Rules that generate structure: PS rules Tests for constituent structure Rules that permute structure: transformational rules Languages vary in PS, transformational rules

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