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Young People and Hitler’s Nazi Party His Purpose, Method, Degree of Success, and Lasting Impact Michael Chua Chan Park Ji Seong Song "My program for educating.

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Presentation on theme: "Young People and Hitler’s Nazi Party His Purpose, Method, Degree of Success, and Lasting Impact Michael Chua Chan Park Ji Seong Song "My program for educating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Young People and Hitler’s Nazi Party His Purpose, Method, Degree of Success, and Lasting Impact Michael Chua Chan Park Ji Seong Song "My program for educating youth is hard. Weakness must be hammered away... I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth... It must bear pain. There must be nothing weak and gentle about it..." -- Adolf Hitler, 1933.

2 Purpose What was his goal for the youth?

3 PatriotismComplete Patriotism to Germany LoyaltyPure Loyalty to Hitler StrengthPhysical Strength for war JoinWill to Join the Army KillDesire to Kill all German foes HatredUnconditional Hatred toward Jews What was his goal for the youth? Purpose The Jew is our greatest enemy. – on black board

4 Method What methods did Hitler use?

5 Method Hitler Youth Movement -Loyalty towards Hitler -The only organization -Performance book Education -Indoctrination -German Teachers League

6 Degree of Success How successful was the Hitler Youth Movement?

7 Degree of Success High Degree of Success - 8,800,000 members - Rapid population growth - Extreme anti-Semitism - Hitler Youth-majority Nazi movement - Invasion of Poland How successful was the Hitler Youth Movement? Lying prone, a member of Hitler Youth trains with a gun.

8 So What? What can we learn from it?

9 So What? NO MORE Racial Intolerance Indoctrination Militarization of youth Excessive Patriotism What can we learn from it? "It is my guilt,... that I educated the youth of that people; that I raised the youth for a man who, for many years, I considered impeccable as a leader and as a head of state; that I organized youth just as I did. It is my guilt that I educated German youth for a man who committed murder by the millions." – Baldur von Schirach Baldur von Schirach

10 Bibliography Bartoletti, Susan Campbell. Hitler Youth. NY: Scholastic, 2005. Brooman, Josh. Hitler’s Germany. NY: Longman Group Limited, 1985. “Hitler Youth.” The History Place. 1999. 17 Jan. 2008. Leapman, Michael. Witnesses to War. UK: Puffin, 2000. “Rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.” SchoolHistory. 2 Oct. 2006. 17 Jan. 2008.

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