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AIM: What are the characteristics of mammals

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: What are the characteristics of mammals"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: What are the characteristics of mammals
AIM: What are the characteristics of mammals ? Explain the difference between monotremes, marsupials and placentals. OBJ: Given notes and activity sheet SWBAT explain the characteristics of mammals and the difference between monotremes, marsupials and placentals with 70% accuracy DN: HW check- Bird Activity Sheet Complete & hand-in Birds Quiz scantron. ACT: Introduction to Mammals (notes) Text, read p , Work on Mammals Activity Sheet HW: Complete Mammals Activity Sheet; Work on Vertebrate Review Sheets and Animal Activity Sheet; Vertebrate Exam, Dec. 3

2 Mammal Characteristics
endotherms – warm blooded 4 chamber heart fur/hair breast (mammary glands, milk) “care for young” behavior lungs with diaphragm advanced nervous system (complex brains for problem solving) highly developed senses (large eyes, sonar, smell sensitivity)

3 Mammal Characteristics

4 Mammal Adaptations Teeth Adaptations: Incisors: cut Canines: tear, slash Molars: grind Cold Environment Adaptations: to keep warm Food (higher in calories, meat or fish) Fur/hair Fat Movement Adaptations: walk, run, hop, swing, glide, swim (w/ flippers)

5 Three (3) Mammal Groups Monotremes- lay eggs ex: spiny anteater, duck-billed platypus Marsupials – partly developed young live in a pouch. ex: koala bear, kangaroo, opossum Placental Mammals – develop inside mothers body; diverse, subdivided based on eating and movement ex: carnivores (eat meat), marine (swim), rodents (gnaw), rabbits/hare (hop), trunk, insect eaters, toothless, hoofed, flying (wing), primates (large brain)

6 Monotremes

7 Marsupials

8 Mammal Diversity

9 More Mammal Diversity

10 Primates


12 Primates

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