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Online Simulation Creation Wizard Introduction to Project 12-25-07.

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1 Online Simulation Creation Wizard Introduction to Project 12-25-07

2 Overview Welcome to this short (10 slide) introduction to the project. The philosophy behind this project leads right into its goals, so we will discuss (1 slide) the philosophy first, and then list the goals. We will then discuss the steps necessary to create an online simulation using the tool. Finally we will discuss the temporal details about where we are and where we want to go.

3 The Philosophy Creating simulations helps people express their vision of the world. Creating simulations challenges people to put their vision into a concrete form and expose it to the views of others. Everyone should be able to easily create simulations and then play them online with others. The easy creation and sharing of simulations will lead to an improved market place of ideas – a bazaar where people will be able to come and play and share.

4 Goals Make it Possible for Any One with a simulation in mind to create one. Make it Possible to run simulations over and over in an organized fashion to gain insights as to how groups of people respond t them. Make it Possible for people to easily share and compare the simulations they have created.

5 Steps To Creating an Online Simulation Install the ‘Online Simulation Creation Wizard’ (OSCW) software on a standard server, or create an account on a hosted server. Use the wizard to create your simulation. Using the wizard, invite players to play the roles you have created.

6 General Notes Pretty much every aspect of this tool is designed for iterative development. Please contact with any ideas for improvement. Some parts of any online simulation will be the same. Players will require situational information, understanding of the other players involved, an ability to chat with each others, etc. These will be ‘standard sections’ that can be added to a player’s universe. Some parts of any simulation will be particular to that simulation. These ‘special features’ (such as shared documents and specific budgets) can be added to players as needed.

7 Complete Tech Overview We don’t care what technology this is done in. Technologies come and go – ideas stay. Pragmatism will lead the way. We want to make online simulation creation available to everyone, so we will always seek the most expedient path, and are not afraid to learn new things, nor are we afraid to use old technologies that are good enough. Currently we are using JSPs (ugly JSPs with lots of java code inside of them exactly like what we are taught Not to do) and some AJAX. Everything we create should be considered similar to ‘George Washington’s Axe.’ Something that all of the components of which can eventually be replaced.

8 Current Rough Edges It is not 3-D (yet) but it does try to be straightforward, and will allow easy plug- ins for formulas running in the background. Lots of basic testing needed. Some parts, such as compacting and uploading simulations, are still vaporware. These gaps will be filled in as soon as possible.

9 Next Steps Get code up on the shared project site ( ationwizard/) and allow people to contribute to this. Workout how to plug in existing online collaboration tools into the simulations created. For example, right now one can add a 'shared document' to a simulation to allow a group of players to work on a document (such as a contract) together. Right now this functionality is completely lame - but I don't plan on improving it. I plan on plugging in one of the many fine existing open source solutions.

10 How to Get Involved Send an email to Send an email to anyone who you think might want to get involved in this project.

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