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Baltimore Polytechnic Institute May 17, 2012 U.S. History Mr. Green.

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1 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute May 17, 2012 U.S. History Mr. Green

2 The students will identify the reasons for the nation’s swing toward conservatism by describing the emergence of Reagan as a conservative leader Announcement: Quizzes will be used to assess your learning until the finals Drill: Read One American’s Story on page 818 and answer the following: 1. Why does Noonan mention that all the young conservatives kept talking about freedom? 2. What does she suggest was the conservatives’ notion of freedom?

3 Reagan wins the 1980 Presidential election Conservatives campaigned against the entitlement programs the new right fought for cultural, social, and moral issues-fought government regulation and reverse discrimination Conservative coalition opposed big government, entitlement programs, busing and a return to traditional moral values Moral Majority Reagan was a Democrat, “the Democratic party left him”

4 Cut government programs Reducing taxes-Reaganomics supply-side economics Increased defense spending strategic defense initiative Increased national debt New Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor William Rehnquist Antonin Scalia Clarence Thomas-G.H.W. Bush appointee Bush won the 1988 election

5 Health Issues AIDS Abortion Drug Abuse Education-A nation at risk school choice The move to the suburbs ERA-Equal Rights Amendment

6 The Cold War Ends Gorbachev initiates reform glasnost perestroika U.S.S.R. falls apart in December 1991 Berlin Wall falls in November 1989 Tiananmen Square-April 1989 Iran-Contra Affair Grenada Panama Persian Gulf War

7 1. Ronald Reagan 2. Entitlement program 3. New Right 4. Reverse discrimination 5. supply-side economics 6. Affirmative action 7. Glasnost 8. Perestroika 9. Sandinistas 10. Contras 11. Operation Desert Storm

8 Identify the reasons for the nation’s swing toward conservatism by describing the emergence of Reagan as a conservative leader

9 1. Read Chapter 23

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