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 A cooperative relationship with the principal and school staff for the betterment of the school as a whole.  Sometimes hard but very rewarding work!

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2  A cooperative relationship with the principal and school staff for the betterment of the school as a whole.  Sometimes hard but very rewarding work!  Making a difference in your community.  Becoming a member of a large network of people who are dedicated to making education the best it can be.


4  PIC = Parent Involvement Committee  Created by the Ministry of Education in 2009  Education Act requires a PIC at every board  Support School Councils  Gives parent input on Board work and policies  GECPIC meets monthly during the school year

5  Advise Board from a parent perspective  Champion parental engagement  Contribute at meeting of PIC  Raise common parental issues with Board  Support parents navigating the school system  Give feedback on policy, programs and strategies  Communicate with school councils  Help parents support learning at home and school  Work on topics that affect more than one school

6  Provide guidance on procedural issues  Provide direction to find answers to questions  Assist in conflict resolution  Help you navigate the Board structures  Share best practices for engaging parents  Advocate on behalf of parents  Direct link to Board senior staff and Trustees  A sounding board for your ideas and concerns

7 Activities

8  Meetings with speakers and presentations  Health and Wellness  Student Success Team  Individual Pathway Plans  Career Cruising  Specialist High Skills Major  OYAP  CO-OP Education  Re-Engagement Initiative  SWAC (School Within a College)  JK Registration  Parent and Family Literacy Centres  Essex Region Conservation Authority  Learning Disabilities Association


10  Provide funding for the Mental Health Series  Are part of the Mental Health Planning Team

11 Videos of the Mental Health Seminars can be viewed on By typing publicboardPD in the search bar.

12  Representation at the Ministry of Education and People for Education

13 How PICs help Education Systems?  The benefits of parent-school partnerships are:  Improved student achievement  Reduced absenteeism  Better behavior  More parent confidence in child’s schooling

14  We are a parent-led committee.  The chair/co-chairs are parents and the majority of members are also parents.  For parents to qualify for election or appointment, they must have a child enrolled in a school of the board.  All parents are welcome however, there is only one vote per school.  The PIC appoints up to three community members.  Each Parent Involvement Committee decides, based on its local needs, who else to include, such as a principal, teacher and support staff.  The committee meets at least four times a year.

15 What can you do for us?  Talk to us. Tell us what works, what doesn’t and what you need help with.  Spread the word about GECPIC!  Link the PIC page on the board website to your school’s website & newsletter  Use news items on our GECPIC site in the school’s monthly newsletter  Visit us. Anyone can observe a PIC meeting. Check the board website for details.

16 Where to find us? Greater Essex County Parent Involvement Committee @GECPIC  Parents Tab  Parent Involvement Tab

17 Helpful Resources

18  The school board website is the first place to look for information on the Greater Essex County District School Board.  Includes links to individual school sites and parent involvement information.

19  Information on all education in the province of Ontario  Includes information regarding the curriculum and major programs and initiatives

20 What parents can do to help their children succeed in school A guide for parents and schools

21 Tip Sheets on Reading, Mathematics and Homework in many other languages Guides for helping your child in Reading/Writing, Mathematics and French Immersion

22   Other tip sheets and booklets in many languages.

23 AERO  Alternative Education Resources Ontario is a web-based digital repository operated by the Ministry of Education in partnership with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.  They provide alternate format text to students with perceptual disabilities who attend publicly funded educational institutions in Ontario.  AERO enables students with perceptual disabilities to access educational materials in a format they require in a timely manner.

24   Free or low cost publications shipped directly to you  Many can be ordered in bulk

25 FREE online help in math for students in Grades 7-10 with certified teachers.

26  People for Education is your strong voice for public education.  They conduct vital research, answer parents’ questions, make policy recommendations and ensure there is broad coverage of education issues in the media.

27  TVO Parents includes videos and information on a variety of topics including school & learning, health & development, as well as social & emotional issues.  Links to Homework Zone and TVO Kids

28  A collaborative project designed to provide resources about children and youth mental health and addiction issues for educators, service providers, community partners, parents and students in Windsor-Essex.  Links to community supports and services, organized in the following age categories: 0-6 years, 6-12 years, 12 -18 years and over can be accessed easily by clicking on the logo of each service provider.

29 We R Mental Health Community Links

30  Assist children, youth, and adults with learning disabilities, and those who support them, through information sharing, support, and relevant programs.  Help further the educational, social, recreational, legal, medical, vocational, and employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities.

31  Receive one-to-one tutoring in one hour sessions, twice weekly, for approximately 8 months (34 weeks) during the school year.  Use the Orton-Gillingham approach which is based on a technique of studying and teaching language, understanding the nature of human language, the mechanisms involved in learning, and the language-learning processes in individuals.  The child experiences success in every lesson, gaining confidence as well as skill. Self esteem improves, sometimes dramatically, and success in school follows.


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