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“THE RAVEN” SCANSION DAY 1 5 March 2013 Miss Rice.

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Presentation on theme: "“THE RAVEN” SCANSION DAY 1 5 March 2013 Miss Rice."— Presentation transcript:

1 “THE RAVEN” SCANSION DAY 1 5 March 2013 Miss Rice

2 Warm-Up  Underline the accented (louder) syllable in each of the following two-syllable words  Example: Happy  Happy  Hello  Superb  Gerbil What you need today: prefix chart, comma rule packet *Block 4 please hand in your group presentations *Block 4 please exchange papers back with the peer whose paper you edited

3 Agenda  Prefixes  Comma Rules  Scansion

4 CP Objectives 3/5  To learn and practice 2 new comma rules.  To understand poetry terms and sound devices.  To practice scansion.  To identify rhyme, meter, and poetry devices in lines of poetry.

5 Prefixes  Un  Ex.- unfriendly, unfamiliar  Under  Def.- under

6 Prefix Assignment See assignment sheet and example…  10 words of your creation using our prefixes  Define these new words  Talk about how you would use each word Dishuggable

7 6. Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers  Dates  For dates, use a comma between the day of the week and the month, between the day of the month and the year, and between the year and the rest of the sentence, if any.  Add commas to the example below

8 6. Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers  The war began on Thursday, January 17, 1991, with air strikes on Iraq.

9 6. Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers  NOTE: Do not use commas in inverted order or with dates consisting of only the month and year.  Examples  18 October 2007  Thousands of Germans swarmed over and through the wall in November 1989 and effectively demolished it.

10 6. Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers  Addresses and place-names  In addresses and place-names, use a comma after each part, including the state if no ZIP code is given. A ZIP code, however, is not preceded by a comma.  Add commas to the examples below

11 6. Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers  Forward my mail to the English Department, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.  Portland, Oregon, is much larger than Portland, Maine.

12 6. Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers  Titles  Use a comma to set off a title such as M.D., Esq., and so on from the name before it and from the rest of the sentence. The titles Jr. and Sr., however, are often not set off by commas.  Underline titles and add commas to the sentences below

13 6. Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers  Jaime Smith, Ph.D., will speak at the anthropology conference.  Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of last century’s greatest orators.

14 6. Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers  Numbers  In numbers of five digits or more, use a comma between each group of three digits, starting from the right.  Add commas in the example below

15 6. Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers  Ex. The city’s population rose to 17,126 in the 2000 census.  NOTE: Do not use a comma within house or building numbers, ZIP codes, or page numbers.  Ex. His parents live at 14711 Bayard Street, Richmond, Virginia 23233.  Turn to page 1566.

16 Homework  Sections 1-3 on the comma practice worksheet  Finish the scansion worksheet  Prefix HW due Thursday

17 Warm-Up  Underline the accented (louder) syllable in each of the following two-syllable words  Example: Happy  Happy  Hello  Superb  Gerbil

18 Poetry Terms and Sound Devices *Use pencils today!!!!!!! *Highlighters needed, too! (we have some if you don’t) 1. In groups of 3, define as many of the poetry terms and sound devices as you can on the front and back of the worksheet 2. Write in definitions as we debrief in the large group 3. Mark terms on the copy of the first 2 stanzas of “The Raven” as we go

19 Scansion  Mathematical equation  Line lengths  Step-by-step scansion process using the samples

20 Scansion Practice  Example 1 in pairs  Check as a class  Examples 2 and 3 independently and for HW

21 Exit Slip  What is the difference between line length and stanza length? *Hand out dark romanticism unit test study guide

22 Homework  Sections 1-3 on the comma practice worksheet  Finish the scansion worksheet  Prefix HW due Thursday

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