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Unit 9: Late Adulthood Dusti Sisk-Fandrich, Psy.D. PS506 Life Span Development Kaplan University.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 9: Late Adulthood Dusti Sisk-Fandrich, Psy.D. PS506 Life Span Development Kaplan University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 9: Late Adulthood Dusti Sisk-Fandrich, Psy.D. PS506 Life Span Development Kaplan University

2 Seminar Focus  During seminar, we will discuss issues related to facing the last stages of life. These include decisions about activities and social relationships, and death. We will also explore psychological issues related to independence and the eventual loss of it. Some of the questions we will address include:  What are some strategies for helping adults in their late adulthood facing the loss of their independence?  Using Kubler-Ross’s theory of stages of dying, explain some of the issues faced by adults close to death. What strategies can you recommend for family members to use to ease the pain of the realization of impending death?

3 Physical Changes

4 Dementia  Alzheimer’s Disease  Vascular Dementia  Lewy’s Body Disease  Pseudo-dementia

5 Psychosocial Development  Erikson’s Theory  Ego Integrity versus Despair  Peck’s Theory  Tasks of Ego Integrity  Joan Erikson’s Theory  Gerotranscendence  Labouvie-Vief’s Theory  Emotional Expertise  Reminiscence

6 Social Theories of Aging  Disengagement Theory  Activity Theory  Continuity Theory  Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

7 Kubler-Ross’s Theory  Denial  Anger  Bargaining  Depression  Acceptance

8 Seminar Focus During seminar, we will discuss issues related to facing the last stages of life. These include decisions about activities and social relationships, and death. We will also explore psychological issues related to independence and the eventual loss of it. Some of the questions we will address include:  What are some strategies for helping adults in their late adulthood facing the loss of their independence?  Using Kubler-Ross’s theory of stages of dying, explain some of the issues faced by adults close to death. What strategies can you recommend for family members to use to ease the pain of the realization of impending death?

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