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The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries

2 I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350)

3 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350) A. 3 Foundational Developments

4 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350) A. 3 Foundational Developments 1. new attitudes toward relation between cloister & world

5 “She slept a very peaceful and sober sleep. She quickly arose and asked to be shown to the cloister. They took her to a certain hill and showed her the whole world to be seen from there, saying ‘This, Lady, is our cloister.’” - Sacred Exchange

6 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350) A. 3 Foundational Developments 1. new attitudes toward relation between cloister & world 2. new relationship between men & women in mystical path

7 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350) A. 3 Foundational Developments 1. new attitudes toward relation between cloister & world 2. new relationship between men & women in mystical path 3. new forms of language & representation in mystical texts

8 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350) A. 3 Foundational Developments 1. new attitudes toward relation between cloister & world 2. new relationship between men & women in mystical path 3. new forms of language & representation in mystical texts B. Experiential Mysticism: The Role of Visions

9 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350) A. 3 Foundational Developments 1. new attitudes toward relation between cloister & world 2. new relationship between men & women in mystical path 3. new forms of language & representation in mystical texts B. Experiential Mysticism: The Role of Visions C. The Foundational Role of St. Francis

10 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350) A. 3 Foundational Developments 1. new attitudes toward relation between cloister & world 2. new relationship between men & women in mystical path 3. new forms of language & representation in mystical texts B. Experiential Mysticism: The Role of Visions C. The Foundational Role of St. Francis II. Women’s Visions and Voices

11 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350) A. 3 Foundational Developments 1. new attitudes toward relation between cloister & world 2. new relationship between men & women in mystical path 3. new forms of language & representation in mystical texts B. Experiential Mysticism: The Role of Visions C. The Foundational Role of St. Francis II. Women’s Visions and Voices A. Obstacles Women Faced

12 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350) A. 3 Foundational Developments 1. new attitudes toward relation between cloister & world 2. new relationship between men & women in mystical path 3. new forms of language & representation in mystical texts B. Experiential Mysticism: The Role of Visions C. The Foundational Role of St. Francis II. Women’s Visions and Voices A. Obstacles Women Faced B. Visions and Revelations of Angela of Foligno

13 “The Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love that stirs up the soul to fervent (well done), prayer. It stirs up our hearts to beg graces from God and this forces God to grant our petition. The Holy Eucharist makes us more humble, and above all It makes the flame of love grow in our hearts; Because the Blessed Sacrament gives our souls so many blessings, it is truly the Gift of Gifts, and the Grace of Graces.”

14 “Christ placed his hand upon her other cheek & drew her to him, and Christ’s faithful one heard him say these words to her: ‘Before I lay in the tomb, I held you this tightly.’ …And she was in an indescribable state of the greatest joy.” -Memorial 7


16 The New Mysticism & Female Mendicant Visionaries I. The Nature of the New Mysticism (c. 1200-1350) A. 3 Foundational Developments 1. new attitudes toward relation between cloister & world 2. new relationship between men & women in mystical path 3. new forms of language & representation in mystical texts B. Experiential Mysticism: The Role of Visions C. The Foundational Role of St. Francis II. Women’s Visions and Voices A. Obstacles Women Faced B. Visions and Revelations of Angela of Foligno

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