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Jeopardy TERMS PEOPLE CONFLICT PRESIDENTS MISC. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy TERMS PEOPLE CONFLICT PRESIDENTS MISC. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy TERMS PEOPLE CONFLICT PRESIDENTS MISC. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from TERMS Group of advisors to the president

4 $100 Answer from TERMS CABINET

5 $200 Question from TERMS Powers not explicitly listed in the Constitution but necessary for the Government to do its job

6 $200 Answer from TERMS IMPLIED POWERS

7 $300 Question from TERMS Incitement to rebellion…sometimes thought of as being against someone

8 $300 Answer from TERMS SEDITION

9 $400 Question from TERMS People willing to take a risk in hopes of future financial gain…must use the specific word from the reading

10 $400 Answer from TERMS SPECULATORS

11 $500 Question from TERMS Agreement that gave the US most- favored nation status with Britain

12 $500 Answer from TERMS JAY’S TREATY

13 $100 Question from PEOPLE Washington’s Secretary of State


15 $200 Question from PEOPLE Prime Minister of France at the time of the XYZ Affair

16 $200 Answer from PEOPLE TALLYRAND

17 $300 Question from PEOPLE Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the time of Marbury v. Madison

18 $300 Answer from PEOPLE JOHN MARSHALL

19 $400 Question from PEOPLE Ambassador to France from the US that helped to negotiate the Louisiana Purchase


21 $500 Question from PEOPLE Vice President who shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel

22 $500 Answer from PEOPLE AARON BURR

23 $100 Question from CONFLICT Conflict that included an invasion of Canada and growth of the Navy… not a specific battle, but the WHOLE THING

24 $100 Answer from CONFLICT WAR OF 1812

25 $200 Question from CONFLICT Conflict among those in the Western US due, in part, to the lack of availability of bank notes and coins… Came to a point in 1794 in Pennsylvania


27 $300 Question from CONFLICT Two major differences between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans

28 $300 Answer from CONFLICT FEDERALISTS: National government is supreme; ruling power given to educated/ wealthy; government should promote business; loose interpretation; protective tariffs to protect industry D-R: State government supreme; Power to ALL land owners; government should promote Agriculture; strict interpretation; tariffs burden farmers

29 $400 Question from CONFLICT Kentucky Resolution and Virginia Resolution…which argued interposition and which argued nullification

30 $400 Answer from CONFLICT KENTUCKY: Interposition VIRGINIA: Nullification

31 $500 Question from CONFLICT US Ship that was at the heart of the conflict between the US and Britain that would lead to the Embargo Act

32 $500 Answer from CONFLICT Chesapeake

33 $100 Question from PRESIDENTS President during the War of 1812

34 $100 Answer from PRESIDENTS MADISON

35 $200 Question from PRESIDENTS President at the time of the Alien & Sedition Acts

36 $200 Answer from PRESIDENTS JOHN ADAMS

37 $300 Question from PRESIDENTS Favored neutrality…used troops to stop Native American resistance in the West…created executive departments


39 $400 Question from PRESIDENTS Became President in the Revolution of 1800

40 $400 Answer from PRESIDENTS JEFFERSON

41 $500 Question from PRESIDENTS Of the first four Presidents, he is the only one elected who was not from Virginia…he was from Massachusetts

42 $500 Answer from PRESIDENTS JOHN ADAMS

43 $100 Question from MISC. Battle that happened after the War of 1812 was already over

44 $100 Answer from MISC. Battle of New Orleans

45 $200 Question from MISC. Set the idea of judicial review into place

46 $200 Answer from MISC. Marbury v. Madison or John Marshall

47 $300 Question from MISC. Shoshone woman who helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition

48 $300 Answer from MISC. Sacagawea

49 $400 Question from MISC. Legalized form of kidnapping

50 $400 Answer from MISC. IMPRESSMENT

51 $500 Question from MISC. Small group of Federalists in Massachusetts who drafted a plan to take New England out of the Union

52 $500 Answer from MISC. Essex Junto

53 Final Jeopardy One of the most important acts of the first Congress

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Passing the Bill of Rights

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