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WP 9 Validated Optimal Models of Children’s Prevention-Orientated Primary Health Care Dr. Paul Kocken, WP leader, TNO (NL) Dr. Mitch Blair, Prof. Michael.

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Presentation on theme: "WP 9 Validated Optimal Models of Children’s Prevention-Orientated Primary Health Care Dr. Paul Kocken, WP leader, TNO (NL) Dr. Mitch Blair, Prof. Michael."— Presentation transcript:


2 WP 9 Validated Optimal Models of Children’s Prevention-Orientated Primary Health Care Dr. Paul Kocken, WP leader, TNO (NL) Dr. Mitch Blair, Prof. Michael Rigby, Imperial, London (UK) Dr. S. Detmar, E. Vlasblom Msc, TNO (NL) Dr. Janine van Til, Dr. M. Boere-Boonekamp, Twente University (NL) Prof. Helmut Brand / Dr. Peter Schröder-Bäck/ Dr. Timo Clemens, Maastricht University (NL) Dr. Kinga Zdunek, Medical University Lublin (PL)

3 Objectives Further development of models emerging from the other WPs Estimating citizens’ perceived benefits (client preferences) (micro) Testing the implementation opportunities and acceptance/feasibility of models (meso) Analysis of the transferability of models: knowledge utilization, governance, culture (macro)

4 Timeline Month 14: coordinated starting point Month 32: e-book of examples Month 40: report on issues regarding benefits, implementation, governance Methods: desk research, workshops, surveys, online focus groups, expert interviews Priority: ethical approval, keeping informed on WPs, listing key figures

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