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C2 Applications Software Getting the Work Done Solve a particular problem or perform a particular task.

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Presentation on theme: "C2 Applications Software Getting the Work Done Solve a particular problem or perform a particular task."— Presentation transcript:

1 C2 Applications Software Getting the Work Done Solve a particular problem or perform a particular task

2  Custom software  Written by programmers hired by organization  Specifically tailored to an organization’s needs  Organization hires computer programmers to design, write, test, and implement software  Can be extremely complex and take years to write  Packaged (commercial) software  Purchased from a store, catalog, or Web site  Sold in stores, catalogs, or Web sites  Sometimes downloaded from the Internet  Package contains one or more CDs or DVDs holding the software  Typically contains software documentation  user-friendly! 2

3  Freeware  Author provides it free for all to use  Author retains copyright  May place restrictions on its use  May not be altered or redistributed without permission  Public Domain  Software that is not copyrighted  May be used and even altered without permission  Typically developed by universities and/or research institutions using government grants 3 Open-Source software, Shareware

4 OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARESHAREWARE  A variation of freeware  Source code made available  Source code: readable by humans  Other programmers can modify and redistribute the programs freely  Helps identify bugs and create improvements more easily  Copyrighted software, freely distributed for a trial period  If you like it, register it for a fee  Most authors add free documentation, enhancements, support, and updates to encourage people to register 4

5 5 Buying Commercial Software Individual copies for each computer Site license Electronic software distribution Application Service Provider  Site License  Software installed on some or all computers, depending on license terms  Customer keeps track of how many users  Number of users cannot exceed number of licenses  Customer copies and distributes software and manuals to users  Some organizations use network licenses  Software installed on server  License fee based on number of concurrent users

6 ELECTRONIC SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTIONAPPLICATION SERVICE PROVIDER  Get software from the Internet  Typically freeware and shareware  Some commercial software  Typical scenario:  Download software for trial period  Software disables itself after trial period unless you register (pay)  Delivers applications to businesses via the Internet  ASP maintains software and data on its systems  Customers access applications as needed over the Internet  Alternative to creating and maintaining custom software or purchasing packaged software  “Rent” software, paying based on usage 6

7 Task-Oriented Software  Often called productivity software  Common categories  Word processing/Desktop publishing Word processing/Desktop publishing  Electronic spreadsheets Electronic spreadsheets  Database management Database management  Graphics Graphics  Communications Communications  Others Others 7

8 WORKING WITH WORDSELECTRONIC SPREADSHEETS/EXCEL  Word Processing  Most widely used personal computer software  Create memos, reports, papers  Incorporate graphics into documents  Desktop Publishing  High-level publishing needs  Newsletters  Brochures, promotional materials  Made up of rows and columns of numbers  Perform “what if” analysis  Change a cell and have spreadsheet recalculate  Present data graphically  Show expenses as a pie chart 8

9 DATABASE MANAGEMENTGRAPHICS  Graphics software creates graphs and charts from numeric data  Spot trends and compare data more easily  Visual evidence more compelling  Included in spreadsheet programs  Presentation graphics creates “slide show” presentations  Combine high-quality graphics, audio, and video 9 Return  Handles the management of a collection of interrelated facts  Software can store, retrieve, update, and manipulate data  Can report data in many ways and print  Turn large amounts of data into information

10 Other Task Software  Personal Information Managers  Keep track of activities  Typically include appointment calendar, address book, and task manager  Office Suite  A group of basic applications that work together  Easy to share data among applications  Similar look and feel among applications  Integrated application  A “stripped down” version of the office suite 10 Return

11  The ability to hook the computer up to phone line or cable and communicate with another computer  Typically connected over the Internet  Needs a browser to access other locations on the Internet 11 Return

12 Business Software  Vertical Market software  Software for Workgroups  Small Business software 12 Vertical Market Software  Written for a particular type of business  Written by companies who have a thorough knowledge of that industry  Allows business to easily maintain information on the business, customers, vendors  Encompasses all of the business’s activities

13 GROUPWARE SOFTWARE FOR A SMALL BUSINESS  Lets a group of people share or track information together  Also called collaborative software  Often combines electronic mail, networking, scheduling, and database technology  Data stored in one central location  Often used by organizations with remote employees  Small Office/Home Office (SOHO)  Moderately priced software to perform functions aimed at small business  Examples:  Accounting software  Writing and advertising  Customer service  Keeping contacts  Making sales pitches 13

14  Most organizations have some sort of information technology department  Made up of people who are responsible for the organization’s computer resources  Maintain data and provide services to end users  Computer People  Data entry operators prepare data for processing  Computer operators monitor systems, keep peripherals running, and make backups  Librarians catalog processed disks and tapes  Programmers design, write, test, implement, and maintain computer programs 14

15 Computer People  Systems analysts plan and design entire systems  Must have knowledge in programming, as well as knowledge of the business  Network managers implement and maintain organization’s network(s)  Chief Information Officer (CIO) makes key technology decisions  A key member of the organization’s strategic decision- making team 15

16 ??

17 Objectives  Distinguish between operating systems and applications software  List the various methods by which individuals and businesses acquire software  List and briefly describe various types of task-oriented software  Identify the kinds of software that are available for both large and small businesses  Discuss ethical issues associated with software  Describe the functions of various computer professionals 17

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