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Kiya, the Kinkajou BY JERVIC AND LISSETTE. Where are kinkajous from?  Kinkajous are from rainforest. They are found up in the trees.

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Presentation on theme: "Kiya, the Kinkajou BY JERVIC AND LISSETTE. Where are kinkajous from?  Kinkajous are from rainforest. They are found up in the trees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kiya, the Kinkajou BY JERVIC AND LISSETTE

2 Where are kinkajous from?  Kinkajous are from rainforest. They are found up in the trees.

3 What does the kinkajou eat?  Kinkajous are omnivores. Kinkajous eat fruits,leaves,insects[ants],and birds eggs.

4 Interesting Fact #1  Kinkajous have wooly fur,large eyes,small ears,sharp claws,long tail.

5 Interesting Fact #2  Kinkajous use their tongues to get honey from hives, and also to remove insects like termites from nests.

6 Interesting Fact #3 They are nocternal, which means they sleep in the daytime and awake in the nighttime.

7 INTERESTING FACT #4 The kinkajou is a mammal.

8 INTERESTING FACT #5 They can live up to 40 years.


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