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Chapter 16 Stress and Crisis in Relationships

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1 Chapter 16 Stress and Crisis in Relationships
Personal Stress and Crisis Events A Family Stress Model Stress Management Strategies Five Family Crises Marriage and Family Therapy

2 Crisis Events External: hurricane, tornado, downsizing, military separation. Internal: alcoholism, infidelity, Alzheimer’s disease. Personal: illness. Interpersonal: spouse has affair.

3 Crisis Events Structural: in-laws move in.
Expected: death of older relative or parent. Unexpected: HIV, miscarriage.

4 Family Stress Theory ABC-X model A = stressor event B = coping skills
C = family’s perception of the event X = outcome of the adaptation to the event

5 Stress Management Strategies
Develop realistic perspective. Avoid blame. Seek opportunities for fun. Keep destructive impulses in check.

6 Five Family Crises Physical illness and disability Infidelity
Unemployment Drug abuse Death

7 Reasons for Extramarital Affairs
Varity, novelty and excitement Workplace friendships Relationship dissatisfaction Revenge Homosexual relationships Absence from partner

8 Marriage Therapy Is Needed…
Feeling distant with partner Not being able or wanting to communicate Avoiding each other Drinking/drugs Contemplating separation Involvement in an affair

9 Suicide Warning Signs Verbal - direct statements about suicide, subtle hints indicating suicide. Behavioral -depressed, crying, prior attempts, giving away possessions. Situational - loss of relationship, trouble with the law or at school, being disliked by peers.

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