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Drama Notes Chapters 1-4, Audience Etiquette, & 7 Rules of Acting Games.

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Presentation on theme: "Drama Notes Chapters 1-4, Audience Etiquette, & 7 Rules of Acting Games."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drama Notes Chapters 1-4, Audience Etiquette, & 7 Rules of Acting Games

2 Audience Etiquette Speaker: Lecture/Speech Applause is encouraged at the end of the presentation. Laugh during appropriate parts of the speech, otherwise remain silent. Speaker: Interactive Raise your hand to be called on. If you are called on, stand up to speak. Follow the directions given by the speaker.

3 Audience Etiquette Drama Performance Applaud at the end of the scene. Avoid applause while characters are talking. Laugh during funny scenes. Respond to dramatic elements in an appropriate manner. Musical Performance The overture = silence. Applaud when the conductor enters. Applaud after each musical selection. Hold applause until after the final selection.

4 Audience Etiquette: 12 Rules 1.Arrive early so you can be seated while the lights are up. 2.Listen quietly and pay attention. Express appreciation through clapping at appropriate times. 3.Do NOT enter after a performance has started. 4.Do NOT leave in the middle of a performance. 5.Do NOT chew gum or eat in the theatre. 6.Do NOT put your feet on the seats. 7.Leave after the performance has ended.

5 Audience Etiquette: 12 Rules 8. When the lights are fully on before the assembly begins, the audience may talk quietly with the people next to them. 9. When the lights dim, the audience becomes silent. 10. When the lights are fully on at the end of the performance, the audience usually talks quietly upon exit. 11. Cell phones off. 12. No flash photography.

6 7 Rules for Acting Games 1.Work towards the focal point. 2.Do anything you wish within the focal point and rules. 3.Believe what you are doing. 4.Create a spirit of working together. 5.Respond to side coaching. 6.Limit pre-planning. 7.Evaluate yourself.

7 Chapter 1: Warm-up What is a warm-up? What is the purpose of a warm-up? Helps in control of body, mind, and voice Types of Movement: Body: movement, facial expression, gesture Mind: imagination, observation, concentration, recall Voice Vocal warm-ups (bubbling, tongue twisters), body warm-ups (stretching, conditioning)

8 Warm-up Games Rabbit, Duck, Elephant Pick Six Blind Walk Mirrors ABC Circle Animal Evolution

9 Chapter 2: Observation “Mirrors”- why would this be a good game to practice observation skills? Sensory Recall Emotional Recall

10 Chapter 3: Pantomime Develop body awareness Use gestures, body movements, and facial expressions to communicate without words Use relaxation, warm-up, and observation techniques “Sell, No Tell”- (Pantomime activity from drama binder) Due Tomorrow! Pick an activity that is common- brushing your teeth, cooking, exercising, reading a book, etc Pantomime that activity so that others can guess what you are doing… practice makes perfect!

11 Chapter 4: Improvisation Work collaboratively with others Develop focus skills- concentration and listening Use your body imaginatively to convey movement, dialogue, and character “Tag Line” “Bus Stop” “Movie Styles”

12 QUIZ Chapters 1-4 Audience Etiquette Rules for Acting Games

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